year four: the four champions

Start from the beginning

"It should be right on top--"

"Wait," Seamus interrupted, placing his finger to his lips. "The pink sweater? That you wear on Valentine's day every year?"

Dean narrowed his brown eyes and laughed. "It's weird that you know that."

"We've roomed with her for almost four years, she's easy to guess." defended Seamus, slipping on a red shirt. "But, I put that out with the dirty laundry, Hope."

Hope groaned loudly, putting her hands on her face. "Seamus, that was my one clean shirt. What am I supposed to do now? Walk around shirtless?"

"I bet a lot would like to see that--"

"Can I borrow one of yours?" she looked over to her friend with a hopeful expression. "I'll give it back, I promise."

Seamus glared his eyes as he threw her his Gryffindor jumper, which she just gave him a thankful expression. But Neville just furrowed his eyebrows. "Where did you sleep last night?"

"Uh, I think Hufflepuff Common Room." she answered, throwing on the jumper and jean skirt in the corner. "That's where I woke up anyways."

As she turned around, Dean looked at her with raised eyebrows. "That skirt is, uh, short. Do you want a pair of our jeans?"

"In what universe would your jeans fit me? You three are giants."

"Not Seamus."

The Finnegan boy whipped around with a hand placed to his heart. "You know, I am two inches taller than her."

Hope just looked down at her barely legs and groaned aloud. "I would ask the girls, but they hate me. And the rest are down at breakfast."

"On the plus side, George will like it. Probably will fall to his knees." snickered the Irish boy, winking playfully. "And not for the reason you think--"

Dean smacked the back of Seamus' head with his hand. "Don't be gross."

"I'm being honest, Dean. According to Lee, they get it on."

The Lupin-Black girl continued to eye her outfit, trying to pull the skirt down so it wasn't as short. "Someone kill me please?"

"Don't you worry, George will take it off later--" he paused as Hope hit him in the back of the head next. "That hurt, you know."

"It was intended to."

Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, and Seamus Finnegan walked with Hope Lupin-Black down by the Black Lake, cracking jokes and snacking on the many snacks from Hogsmeade

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Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, and Seamus Finnegan walked with Hope Lupin-Black down by the Black Lake, cracking jokes and snacking on the many snacks from Hogsmeade. As they sat by a tree, three Beauxbatons students approached them.

"Hope Lupin-Black." called out a voice, which Hope turned to see Violette Bisset followed by two others. "It's good to see your living this morning."

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