'Would you ever do a collab with Niall? We know you're a good singer!'

"Okay you guys are only asking about Niall at this point. Like I said I barley know him. I'm not super eager to become a YouTuber turned pop star. I guess you guys may mean like us doing a cover of a song together. I've never even done one by myself so I'd have to do that first. I don't want it to seem like I'm using our "friendship" for my own personal gain. That's just icky. For now I'll stick to my normal videos. Besides, he's not even in my city, let alone the same country as me. We'd have to do it over zoom"

'When will the tattoo video be up?'

"Okay something I can answer. It's going up Friday as long as I have it ready so just a few more days. I know you guys have been waiting on it so I have to give the people what they want. Okay I think that's the last question I'm going to answer. I've got some texts to answer. It's probably my mom telling me she's got some food ready. I love you all so much. I'll get on here more often just let me know when the best time would be. I'll put up a poll on YouTube later today. I don't want too many of you to miss when I'm on because you're sleeping. Okay now I'm going. Bye!" I blow kisses at the camera and end the live. Saving it so anyone who didn't watch can watch it back when they have time.

I check the few messages that have filled my inbox while I was I'm busy. Both are from Niall and I'm shocked. I was partially hoping my mom had made me lunch.

Niall - *You'll be my new angel huh?*

Niall - *Nice picture by the way*

Parker - *It was just a joke weirdo*

Niall - *The fans don't seem to think that*

Parker - *Well it's your fault you called me out by name in your live*

Niall - *Anyway, ya hear that the travel ban will be lifting in a few weeks?*

Parker - *That's awesome! I've been busy so I haven't seen the news.*

Niall - *Maybe that European vacation will come sooner than we thought*

Parker - *Don't get too ahead of yourself lover boy. I don't have a passport and I still barely know you. You could be a crazy person and I wouldn't even know!!*

I laugh at myself for the last part. As much as I would love to hang out in Niall's London apartment I barely know the guy. I don't want him to think I'm going to show up, sleep with him and then we go our separate ways. I can't mess this up either. I've got to get to know him. What are the odds that I'm sat here talking to something I've admired for nearly a decade. And he even flirts with me from time to time, absolute madness. I snap out of my thoughts when I receive another message.

Niall - *You're the crazy one thinking I'd mess up my chance to hang out with a pretty girl!*

Parker - *How about we chat some more and get to know each other. I'll get started on this passport process and we'll revisit this later. Since you're just dying to meet someone as famous as me.*

Niall - *You're an idiot*

Parker - *Hey! You're the one that keeps talking to me lol*

I'd do anything to keep this boy interested in talking to me. It's nice having someone seem to be so excited to talk to you. I never talk about my personal life much online. Sure my fans new I was in a relationship because they would always say I would look cute with some other influencer and I'd have to shut it down because my boyfriend would be uncomfortable. We weren't doing horrible before lockdown went into affect but we certainly weren't doing well either. Once my channel gained some traction he just wasn't very happy about the attention I was getting. I couldn't deal with him not being supportive so we just called it off.

Who knew I'd be here, single, talking to Niall Horan about coming to see him. I always joked with my ex about how he was without a doubt my celebrity 'hall pass' as some people say. He wasn't happy when I said that but it was true. I think every girl who grew up loving these boys would agree. If one of them approached you, you can't just turn them down. Certainly doesn't mean you cheat but if you have to take a temporary relationship break it's for the greater good.

I laugh at my own stupid thoughts. Since things have started to open back up slowly I should get a move on with my passport. I doubt I'll really get to go see him but it's still something I've been wanting to get. Maybe I can spend a semester abroad if things get better.

I quickly get dressed after letting my parents know I'm heading out briefly. I throw on a fitted long sleeve top and a pair of blue jeans. I slide on a pair of tennis shoes, grab my mask and hop in the car to head to the post office.
Gonna start putting more pictures cause that's always fun to see. I like this girl as who I could imagine Parker to be. Had to make her closer to how I look cause obviously I wish this was real life and I was Parker. Do you guys have tattoos? Not sure what the age demo is here but I'm working on a sleeve. I also wanted this to be more true to life and how the pandemic is actually going but we all need a little light right now and I want to speed things up even though it's only chapter 8. 

Decided that I'm going to update everyday this week since I have already got quite a few chapters ready to go. With all that's going on I figured it would be nice to have a bit of mental break. I'm also black myself so the more black art that's out there, even if its mediocre, the better. 

Anyway, love ya, comment and vote, enjoy!

Posted 6/2/20

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