Chapter fifty-two.

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Parker's POV

After a long flight home I was so excited to finally see my family again. My mom probably got to the airport 20 minutes before my flight even landed just so she would be able to park and meet me inside.

I have to admit it's kind of weird to be in an airport and not have a bunch of people swarming with their phones in my face. Traveling with Niall will forever have me traumatized, I don't know how they do it. As if it was instinct I put on my sunglasses as I was leaving the terminal. My curly hair was crammed into a baseball hat that was covered by the hood of my jacket. I knew the likelihood of anyone noticing me was very small but it was just habit now.

I made my way through the crowded airport and eventually found my way to the doors that lead to the baggage claim area.

It was only 5 pm here so that meant it was it was 6 am where Niall and the boys were. Prime time for our random phone calls. I shoved one of my AirPods in and hit call to help pass the time while waiting for my bags to appear on the carousel.

"Yay, you're awake." I said excitedly when I heard that he had answered the call.

"I got up a few seconds before you called. The sunlight was just beaming into my room since I forgot to shut the curtains."

"I'm not surprised considering the fact that I'm the only who always has to do that at home. I don't know how you'll make it two months without me." I laughed, almost forgetting I was in public.

"Did you make it home yet?" He asked, I could hear that he was starting the shower.

"I am currently waiting for my bags. My moms already in the parking lot waiting for me. Last time I was here you were with me. I miss you Ni." I say with a pout.


The words flashed across the large monitor above the bag carousel as bags began to appear on the belt. I walked closer to the crowd that had formed to get a better look at the luggage.

"I'm hoping the time goes by soon. I can't wait to see you again Petal."

I spot my bags right as he finishes talking. Pushing through the people that had moved closer to grab it off the belt. Thankfully I still had plenty of clothes at my parents house so I really didn't need to bring much here with me. I feel like I'm living three lives with the fact that I have a home in two states and as well as on another continent. The fact that my life turned upside down only a handful of months ago is absolutely crazy.

"I have no idea how long I'm going to be here. I might give it a week or two before I flee to Lyla's. Do you think I should pack up my stuff at my parents? I don't think we ever officially said I was moving in but I do have a key to both your homes. This doesn't feel like my permanent home anymore anyway after being gone for so long. If I don't move in with you I'll define get my own place sometime soon." I started to ramble as I made my way through the parking lot in search of my moms car.

"Well there's not really a need to get your own place. We've already been living together anyways, might as well make it official. Why spend the money if your boyfriend has two empty houses already?" He says with a light laugh.

"You're right. I'll pack up while I'm here and start sending stuff to the LA house since it's closer. I've got enough clothes in London." My eyes scan the rows of cars looking for one that looked familiar. Eventually spotting my mom waving in my direction to get my attention.

"You've taken over the entire guest closet and what was free of my own. I'll have my friend stop by and bring the boxes in when they get delivered."

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