Chapter 21

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Monique POV

I wake up and had to pee like super bad and I stood up and I felt the pee just start flowing and it was feel by a sharp pain.

"Mommy!" I screamed, j tried slowing down my breathing and I water to my door and open it.

My mom has been on top of everything and I am so happy to have. She packed the car and everything already. I just hope this ain't another false alarm I would I will fucking shot myself.

"Mommy I think my water broke." I groaned walking into her room and she hopped.

"Okay come on you slowly start making you way downstairs and all get you some stuff and do I need to get your phone." I nodded.

I made my way down the steps and she rushed up behind me and grabbed the keys and put the stuff in the backseat and helped me in the car.

"Call August." She gave my phone and pulled out the drive way and took off.

"Hello." I heard August yawn.

"Yeah my water broke and aauugghh!" It was a pain I never felt before and I just screamed.

"Just breath through it baby." My mom rubbed my back. "August we are driving down the street so hurry your ass up and get out here and get the hell behind us, is that understood?"

"Yes momma." I he noise and shuffling in the back.

"Mommy why did you tell me it was gonna hurt this bad."

"Baby I promise nothing I could've said could have prepared you for this, okay?" I nodded. "Now just relax cause the hospital is 20 time minutes away and I am going drive a little faster." I nodded.

She sped up and soon as she hit August drive way he swerved out behind us like one of those racing movies.

My phone started ringing.

"Yes August." I cried.

"I called the cops and they are going escort us. They should be meeting us right about now." The sirens started going off and on of the jumped in front of my mom.

If I wasnt hurting this would be so fun like fast and furious but everytime my mom bust a corner it feel like my coochie is stretching.

"Damn momma driving fast as fuck." August said and my mom shook her head.


"Yes ma'am?"

"I owe you one." She said busting another corner.

"No momma I didn't know I was on speaker." I laughed through the pain. "Please I-"

"I owe you one." She cut him off and he sucked his lips.

This baby got me fucked up. I am finna jump out this window and end us both.

"Oh my god!" I groaned in pain. "I'm finna cry." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Listen baybeh we pulling up right now." She pulled in the emergency room. "August go run and get the wheel chair." He hung up and I saw him shoot past the window.

My mom got out and help me out the car and August and two doctors came out and helped me in the chair.

5 hours later~

"We need you to push." I shook my head.

"I can't I am about pass out!" I felt August grabbed my hand. "I swear you are never touching me again. I don't care how good the sex is. You did this to me!" He nodded.

"10. 9."

"Stop counting backwards it makes me nervous." I screamed and pushed.

I felt like I was ripping in half.

"You got this baby, okay?" August held my hand and I felt a contraction coming so I pushed again.

"Yes mommy you are doing great give me one more big push and then she will be here." I nodded. "You are so strong."

I pushed through the contractions and the pain was cut short and I heard her start cry.

"Mo you did it." August kissed my forehead.

"We need you to push." The doctor gave me my baby.

"Wait what? Mommy what I thought it was over."

" The placenta has to come out." I sighed and pushed and I felt someone pulling it and it was quick and easy.

"She is so beautiful baybeh." I looked at August and he was looking at her in a adoration.

"Daddy come cut the umbilical cord." August went in the back cut the cord. "Mommy let me get her cleaned up and wrapped up.

"Okay." They took her and I fell to sleep within seconds.

~8 hours later

"Hey Amoni." I cooed at her and she tried to open her eyes. "You are so beautiful. I love you so much."

"She is so beautiful." August said in awe.

"Yes... say I look like my mommy." August kissed his teeth.

"We know you lying." I laughed and he took her.

"So did you tell your girlfriend." He nodded.

"Yeah she is outta town."

"Did you tell momma Shelia."

"She is mad at me for whatever reason now and you know how easy it is for her to dispose of me. She probably ain't gone call me or pick up her phone for a month or 6." He shrugged. "I'll probably go talk to her but not now I got shit to do and she never in a rush to see me so I ain't gone even rush." Monique sighed.

"Yeah she is not answering me either." I sighed.

"And she know that you was finna have a baby that's why I don't really fu- mess with her. Then she wonder why I just be chilling with mommy Marcy like why would I want that type of energy. I am sick as it is and I just don't have time for it." He mumbled.

"What do you mean your sick?" He shrugged.

"It's okay it just a little cold." I nodded.

"Well give me my baby." He laughed softly and shook his head. "You are sick."

"Boss man." T walked in and walked up to me and I hugged him. "Hey Mo."

"Hey T." He kissed my forehead.

"Wazzam hoe." Him and August dapped eachother up.

"Let me see my niece."

"Glove and mask and disaffecting spray." He nodded and did what he had to do and August gave Amoni to T.

"You so beautiful." T cooed.

"Big niggas is just soft. Big ass bodies make a soft ass heart." August shook his head and laid beside me.

"August I got this pad on the bed." He shrugged and wrapped his arms around me and I watched T hold Armoni.

"I feel like I am gonna cry." T wiped his eyes with his shirt.

"That nigga soft spot for babies is ridiculous." August shook his head and kissed me. "Soon as the 6 weeks up get ready because you was saying some mean shit."

"And I stand on that shit." I looked at him and he kissed me. "Stop because I meant that you can't touch me that shit was unbelievable." I shook my head.

"Girl that was just one we agreed on three." I shook my head.

"I change my mind. We are good with one."

"For now."


"Wussup niggas." Chris walked in with Lea and I looked at August and he was already looking at me.

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