Chapter 10

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Monique POV

"So you are moving back in?" I asked sitting at the counter eating my breakfast.

August had sent me home because Amber had popped up and I refused to be there with her and he tried to make me stay but I made him send me home.

"Yeah I done did what I wanted to traveled the world and Live and now I feel like I am in the head space of being a father a good one and a even better husband." I shrugged.

"Mom you should take your turn now." She frowned up her face. "I know being a mother must have stopped you from living. Don't you wanna go out and travel? Dad FEELS as tho since I am 20 it time to come back." I laughed.

"I mean I had to give up those things and change my life around when I had you. All that stuff can wait. I got you and that is all I need." She shrugged.

"As a parent should. Mommy I thank you for everything you ever did for me. Being HERE mentally and emotionally and physically and financially." She smiled.

"Don't get testy I am the one paying these bills and give her money to be there financially. Don't play yourself."

"No you don't play yourself. That is the least you could do. You married her to treat her like shit and comeback whenever the fuck you want. You missed so much you don't earn the- you know what. God bless you." I got up and went upstairs into my room.

His presence just pisses me off like he is just sneaky and in the way.

"Hello." Lea answered the phone.

"Hey Lea. Tell me why-"

"I am in class, I am gonna call your right after I love you."

"Love you too." I hung up.

Lea and I don't even talk anymore. It like everytime she goes back to school it like I barely exist and that pisses me off. Everytime I call she is with in class or at a party or sleep or hanging out with her friends. But Lea always dreamed up going to college and being successful and leaving everything here behind her but I didn't think she was talking about me. She is always to busy to talk to me.

My phone start ring and I answered it.


"Yeah um is the August girlfriend."

"No you got the wrong number." I sighed. "Matter fact how did you get this number."

"Out his phone duh but since he blocked me tell him I will ruin him." I shook me name.

"Where you live?"

"Well bitch pull up."

"Well if you would tell me where you live." I said sarcastically.

"Bitch you in NOLA?"

"Yep." I got up and put on my shoes.

"Im text you my location."

"Okay." I hung up and called August.

"August I am finna go fight this girl."

"No the fuck you not." He shook his head.

"She said y'all was sleeping together and she gone ruin your life or some shit but I feel like fighting." I shrugged.

"You not going anywhere." He moved around.

Little did he know if she sent the addy I am going Periodt.

"If she drop her dot I'm on that bitch ass." I laid in my bed waiting for the message. "What you doing tho?"

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