Chapter 13

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4 months laters~

August POV

"You are pissing me off August." She yelled.

"Why you was texting a bitch. Like I didn't even know you swing that way." I fired back. "I asked you a simple question and you go off and then make me seem like the bad guy. Okay my attitude bad but your's just as fucking bad."

"August why you going through my phone like me and her not even on that slope. I don't flirt with her or none of that she text me and ask me advice about her girl. She is some girl I met at the club we went a long ass time ago and I been texting her for two days tryna help her get her girlfriend back. We are just friend August." She yelled. "Now what if I went through your phone. You wouldn't like it because that says I don't trust you right? Okay then so just have this mindset when the table turns." She packed her bag.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"We need a break from eachother I want to go see my mom." She shrugged.

"Why do you do that every argument we have you try to leave like why do you do that what is wrong with you?" I sighed in frustration. "That shit is so fucking annoying."

"No what is wrong with you? You wanna argue all the time and get me mad and the have sex like I don't get you! That is annoying as fuck!" She yelled.

"Stop yelling before I start." She stuck up her middle finger.

"Matter fact let me book your flight." I pulled out my phone and texted Tony.

"Yeah do that." She shrugged. "Fucking bitch."

"You a fucking bitch." She got up and I already knew what she was finna do so I grabbed her and she started swinging.

She need to learn to keep her fucking hands to herself before I knock her fucking head off her shoulder. She been like this since where were younger. The shit is ridiculous.

"Stop fucking hitting me." I pinned her hands above her head. "You gone stop fucking hitting me or I am gonna hit your ass back."

"Then we just gone be fighting." She groaned tryna get outta my grip. "Get the fuck off of me." Her eyes started to water.

"Such a fucking cry baby." I sighed. "You hitting me I should be crying. The same shit get fucking old as fuck. If this is what it's gonna be like I don't want this shit. We better off as best friends." I hopped up and she sat there crying.

That shit get annoying. All we do is argue and she end up putting her hands on me and she end up cha's.

I walked downstairs cooled off because I am tryna get better with controlling myself unlike someone.

All I asked was who is B and why the fuck is her name saved a the tongue and wet emojis. She snapped but if I did that she would make me feel like a fucking monster. She been so fucking emotional and crying at everything and then mad and then horny like living with her is like living with a mother in the mental hospital.

"Hello." I answered my phone.

"We here and the plane is ready."

"Okay she on her way." I hung up and ordered her and driver.

I got the text he was outside.

"Monique you car is here hurry up." I yelled and she raced downstairs and went out the house. "Fucking stupid ass little girl." I sighed and lit my blunt.

Monique POV

Fuck him. He don't have to wanna be with me. He started the Arguments just with his tone and energy. It's not what you say it's how you say it. I'll admit I need to stop hitting him because I would be distraught and devastated if he hit me back. Sometimes he just stands over me and shout louder and deeper than me and I feel like I am not being heard and only thing I can do is fight. It's been that why my whole life. I always was the short one and the butt of the joke and I had to learn how to move in those type of situations and now it like I can't shake that habit.

"Fucking stupid bitch." I mumbled to myself. "He think he leaving me he got me fucked up talking about we better off as friends. He not gonna nowhere. He belong to me all of him and I will beat every bitch ass that feel otherwise." I shrugged.

We pulled up to the airport and I instantly felt like crying. I don't wanna leave him but that usually ends the arguments when I say I am gonna leave him."

"Hey Tony." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

He helped me on the jet and I instantly went in the little bed room. I couldn't help but to cry.

I don't know why I been so emotional but he shouldn't be so mean to me.

I cried myself to sleep.

I was waken up by Tony shaking me.

"You're here." I nodded and sat up and ordered a Lyft to my mom's house.

When the Uber got here I grabbed my bags and raced to the car.


"Yes." I nodded and she pulled of to my mom's.

Little does August know I was gonna be coming here anyway because my mom asked me to come home so she could tell me something. I did want him here but I guess that won't be happening.

I knocked on the door.

"Hey mommy." I hugged her as she opened the door.

I missed my mom so much I was never used to being so far away from her for so long.

"Hey sweetie. I missed you so much." She squeezed me.

"I missed you so much mommy." She kissed my forehead.

"Come on in." She moved out the way and I went directly into the kitchen. "So how's living with August? You glowing and stuff." She laughed.

"It was okay at first but then we were just fighting all the time and it is very exhausting and I can say it's a fifty fifty thing. I think being around him so much is just doing something to me like my emotions are all over the place and I know he is not used to it just by the way he reacts and I don't know what going on either. It's just like everything is so ugh and just frustrating and he was supposed to be here but we got into a huge fight." She sighed. "He said maybe us just staying bestfriends-" I felt myself about to cry and my mom came over to me and hugged me and I just cried.

"It is okay sweetie." She rubbed my back. "Y'all Love eachother so much. Y'all have this connection everybody can feel it. Y'all are gonna get it together and it might take sometime but y'all got it. Maybe right isn't the time. Y'all had a plan and now y'all are just rushing into thing and I feel like it is half my fault."

I wiped my face and she grabbed a seat and sat in front of me.

"Listen baybeh I whole heartedly apologize for disappointing you. For allowing him to kick you out and just allowing him to come in here and cause a riot. I am divorcing him and he can have the house or whatever else he wants. I sat here for days questioning why was I so attached to this man and it was because I didn't wanna loose my comfortability and now I realized I was only comfortable when he wasn't around and then when he would come home I would be so scare to even say anything that could be the wrong thing and I don't want that life anymore. So I am getting a divorce and if he take his house and his money away I know my god has me." I nodded. "I just wanna thank you for letting me know I needed to get my shit together.

"Mommy why didn't tell me earlier. August has wanted us to move to the A for so long and I could just gotten a house up there."

"I know baybeh but I was scared and I didn't want you to be worried or anything." She shrugged.

"Well mom I am proud of you taking that big step and I really am happy that it is just you and me again."

"No problem but back to you.. when are you gonna tell me your pregnant?"


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