Chapter 17

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Monique POV

I knocked on his door.

I just wanna get my stuff outta his way so he can get his relationship going and he doesn't have to worry about me.

"Oh hey." Miracle opened the door.

"Hey I came to get my clothes and stuff so I can get outta your guy's hair." She nodded and step aside.

We walked upstairs.

"August it was Monique, she just is coming to get her stuff." She yelled into the bathroom.

I just grabbed my bags and started stuffing my stuff in them and she sat on the bed and watched me.

"I love you hair."

"Thank you."

"Who do your get you hair from?"

"My mom."

"Your mom sells hair?" She balled up her face.

"No this is my hair and I get my hair genes for my mom." She nodded.

Once I cleaned out the drawers leaving everything he brought me and I moved to the closet just pulling my stuff off the hangers and threw it in a bag and then I got to my jewelry box and I opened it and saw my promise ring that August gave me and I instantly started to cry silently for about 5 minutes.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm yeah just sorting my stuff out." I wiped my face and hopped up and just tossed my jewelry and then threw all my shoes in a bag and I made sure I left everything he ever brought me in there and I place his promise ring on his dresser and the tennis bracelet.

I really wish I wasn't in love with him like I just don't want to be attached to him or in love with him. I thought it was best to fall for him being as though I could trust him when that is the worst thing I could have ever did in my life.

I put the first bag in my car.

"Here I got it." He took the bag out my hands and I grabbed the other one.

We finished packing my car in silence.

"My bad about the blocking thing I was just mad you left without-"

"What do you mean I literally told you I was leaving like 4 days before I left and we sat and had a whole conversation about the house my mom got so don't try to flip it on me." I spoke softly.

"I am sorry that I did that it was immature and that was a female move."

"I mean you were with your girl and you ain't want any interruptions." I shrugged. "I just want you to be real with me because I already heard what you had to say when you were on the phone with Trav."

"Huh?" He balled up his face.

"How you said things have changed just let me know what exactly changed so I can move accordingly." He sighed. "And don't bullshit me tell me the truth I am already stressed the fuck out and hurt and all that other bullshit. So just tell me because it doesn't matter."

"Okay I still love you so much. I just feel like this US thing isn't gonna work. It is too much for me and I mean we can and will always be bestfriends but that is it. I am actually in a relationship that I am excited for. She is amazing and I really like her. Maybe we aren't meant for eachother in that way." I nodded.

"Right." I nodded.

"See you see where I am coming from. I don't wanna loss you over this bullshit and yes I can admit I should've talk to you about it but I didn't wanna stress you out not knowing that I was stressing you out anyway. I sincerely apologize for not keeping it a thousand with you. I love you so much Monique." He hugged me.

"Mhmm love you too." I hopped in my car and drove home and I tossed my bags in the house .

"So did you guys talk." My mom asked as I walked in the kitchen.

We been in the house for about 3 days now just straighten shit up and putting stuff away and I was procrastinating going to August's place to get my stuff.

I watch my mom put the dishes away.

"Yeah we did, well he did." I shrugged.

"What do you mean."

"He told me how he felt and I didn't say how I felt because if I did it would make me seem weak and desperate and I rather kill myself before I do that. So I am just gonna have to ride my feeling out." She sighed.

"Baby don't let your pride mess up what yall maybe if you tell him how you feel-"

"It's no more us and I am okay with that. How I feel doesn't matter I am not gonna go spill my heart out to somebody who knows me from head to toe and he knows how I feel trust me and if he doesn't that is even better. I am gonna let him be happy maybe she is made for him. He seem happy with her and I don't know her to say she's not his type. She seems nice. I am just gonna have to move on. We just have to take care of our kid and that is it." I shrugged.

"Well that an mature way to think about it."

"Yeah I am gonna be a mom I have to grow up and move in on and I am just glad to have you every step of the way." I got up and hugged her. "I love you so much mommy."

"I love you too." She kissed my cheek and we went back to eating and talking about random things.

I have to get happy for me and my child no more stressing over him. This isn't about just me anymore it is deeper than me now. Maybe a child is a blessing for me and I thank god just for being able to have children.

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