Chapter 4

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Monique POV

"Yeah momma we will be back soon." I smiled at her through FaceTime

"Are you have fun?" I nodded.

"Yeah everything is fine." I sighed and she frowned up her face.

"What is the problem?" She sat up.

"Nothing but you know how I am used to having August all to myself and it is different now like the fans and his girlfriend and his new friends." She sighed.

"It is a part of his job baby." I nodded. "Knowing August he is tryna satisfy everybody and driving himself freaking bonkers." I nodded

"Well his is at a show in NYC and he is flying back tonight then he got some stuff to do in the morning and then-

"Wow he is really working hard." She said and I nodded.

"I know I keep telling him to slow down and relax and eat something or drink or something else but he is a true Virgo all work until it's perfect. He doesn't stop and it scares me sometimes but he says he is fine."

"Wow he need to relax that can do the body bad ." I nodded "but let me get to bed and I love you and tell my son to call me."

"I love you too and I will do."

4:32 am~

"Mo get up." Lea shook me and I hoped up cause she was in a panic.

"What?" I wiped my eyes and she started crying.

"It's August." I jumped up "they said come on Jay is outside waiting for us." I threw in some clothes and grabbed my phone and my charger and my purse and we ran outside making sure to lock the door.

"Hey Jay." I sighed hopping in the car. "What is going on." I asked as he pulled off.

"T just told me to get y'all on a private jet and to New York today." I nodded.

What if he is dead? What if he got shot? What if he is missing?

I sighed and wiped the tears that had fallen.

We pulled up to the airport and we hopped on the plane and momma shelia was on there with sneak and Trav and Tima and sneak and television and everybody.

"Hey guys." I waved and hugged my momma and she squeezed me. "Hey Tima." I hugged her and I sat down.

Everybody seemed worried but nobody knew what was going on.

"Oh shit." Lea gasped and I looked at her. "August Collapsed off stage." She whispered and I snatched her phone.

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"Hey listen he is gonna be okay

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"Hey listen he is gonna be okay. August is strong." Lea hugged me and I cried into her chest until I fell asleep.

7 hours later~

"Wake up Nique we are here." I sat up and I grabbed my my purse.

We got off the plan and hopped in a car and they drove us to a hospital and paparazzi was out there and some supporters.

I saw T and 5 other Security guards they quickly grabbed us and took us in the inside and we walked into the room and everybody went silent.

"Oh my god." Tima cried.

"He is in a coma the doctor say is all up to him when he wakes up or if he even wakes." I sighed. "everything is going to be on his time it could be years from now it could be tomorrow we just don't know it's up to him." T explained.

"So there's nothing they can do to speed up the process." Momma asked and T shook his head. "Oh my baby." She shook her head and Trav hugged her and she cried.

"You okay?" Lea asked and I nodded

"Yeah August got this he is gonna make it through. God got him." She nodded.

"Did you call momma and tell her what's going on you know how she is about her kids." I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hey mommy." I smiled

"Hey baby what's wrong?" She moved around.

"Umm..." I made my way out of the wrong and one of the other security guards grabbed me.

"Where do you need to go." He asked.

"Um T come with me please." He hopped up and followed me .

"Yeah mommy Um August is in a coma." I sighed stepping into a hallway and T posted up beside me.

"What!" She screamed. "What happened."

"He- he passed out and fell of the stage." She kissed her teeth. "Mommy I don't know what I will do without him like he is my everything. You know how I feel about him and Lea. I know that I can't just- I don't even know what I am gonna do mommy. He was just fine when he left. I am so stupid all I wanted to do is freaking argue about something so stupid. What if it was my fault maybe I stressed him out so much he-"

"Look baybeh you have to be positive August is in god hands and whatever decision god makes is the right one. August has a lot of life left so don't stress it okay just be by his side." I nodded. "I know you love him baybeh and I know you may feel like you can't live without him but god got you and he got him and he would put you through something you couldn't handle."

"I know mommy." I wiped my face. "Well let me go. I love you so much mommy."

"I love you too. Stay positive and call me later." I nodded.

"Will do." I hung up.

"Mo don't stress yourself out it is not you fault I am with the nigga 18 hours out of the day and I promise it isn't your fault he just need to take better care of himself. He don't eat and he barely drink water and you know he don't listen to anybody and he don't rest or sleep none of that shit." I nodded "its not your fault so don't think like that and Aug would never blame you for anything."

I hear him but all I could think is he was already stressed out and I just added to his stress. I am just so selfish.

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