Chapter 11

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August POV

I woke too the feeling of like 3 people in my bed and I looked up to see Amber and her friend and a random. They were all naked. I was fucked up yesterday. I may have popped a pill or two. I was high asf and drunk.

My head felt like it was throbbing like the jasmine Sullivan bust your window out your car beat.

"Y'all get up and get out!" I shouted and I hopped up and went in my medicine cabinet and found some Advil and took two and hopped in the shower.

"August give me my rag."

Oh shit.

I sighed already know she dont even play these games.


"Just give me my rag." She shrugged and I grabbed her rag and gave it to her and grabbed for her and she curved the shit outta me and walked out.

"Fuck." I sighed stepping back in the shower.

Monique POV

This is why I didn't wanna move in with him. This is exactly why. I would have to see him doing shit like this. I know I am not his girl but I still do wanna see or hear that shit. Especially all night. Yeah he got me fucked up.

I packed my stuff and went over to cha house.

"Hey sus." She opened the door.

"I missed you guys so much." I hugged and and she rubbed my back.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" I sighed.

"Just a lot and I was supposed to be staying with your brother but fuck him." She laughed.

"Come in." She moved aside and I came in. "Take your stuff upstairs and come back down and tell me what happen."

"Don't Tell him I am here if he comes." She nodded.

I went into the guess room and set my stuff and I hopped in the shower and got dressed and brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and she was cooking.

"So what happened."

"It is his business but I feel like you won't tell him I told you so we went out yesterday right?" She nodded. "And he was drunk as fuck and high because we was smoking and I can admit I was drinking and shit. So I was fuck up ya heard me. We get back home first of all he has Amber and her friend and some girl that we don't know." She nodded "we get to his place they ALL go upstairs and you and T are the only motherfuckers that know what's going on with me and August because you caught us." She laughed.

"I was damn Baybeh y'all is the bestest of friends." I laughed. " I walk in that room and saw my life flash before my eye and I realized Mel was fine as fuck." I laughed.

"Yeah" I laughed. "but they had me up all night and they were just so loud. So I was like this must be what he does when I am not here. I mean I not his old lady so I can't be mad. I just feel like I don't wanna know like I just don't wanna know what he got going on but it's not with me. Yesterday just showed me why I always decline his offer."

"Yeah I understand like know what I know about y'all and how you feel for him. You shouldn't even been put in that predicament to hear allat."

The front door closed and August walked in the kitchen and I sighed. I got up and he started talking to Cha and I took the opportunity to skip away and go upstairs and I sat in my room and watched 365 days for the sixth time and of course August barged in.

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