Chapter 94: Following Orders For A Friend in Need

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Jumin: Let me ask you a question instead, boy.

Jumin: Aside from waiting, what is it that you can do?

Yoosung: ...............

Zen: We understand your frustration, but arguing like this is really getting us nowhere...

Jumin: Indeed.

Yoosung: ...whatever.

Jumin: Anyway.

Jumin: I trust that Saeran has Y/n's best interest in mind.

Jumin: He will contact us when he needs us.

Zen: I guess that's all we can hope for.

Zen: I appreciate that Saeran told us everything, especially when it must've been hard for him

Zen: But I can't help but think that V should've told us about it sooner

Jumin: Yes..

Jumin: I'd like to think that he has his reasons, but it is hard to believe when he is not here to give us guidance in this time of crisis.

Zen: yeah...

Zen: But since he hasn't been back, wouldn't that make you the leader of the RFA?

Jumin: It's only been a day.

Jumin: He's been away longer than this before.

Jumin: There's no need to replace him yet.

Zen: I just got a feeling that said that he wouldn't be coming back for a long time...

Zen: What are we going to do about the party?

Jumin: I'd say that we hold it as planned until further notice.

Jumin: Y/n already asked Assistant Kang to take her place, so there isn't any change there.

Zen: Right...

Saeran has entered the chat.


Zen: Saeran!

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Zen: Saeran!

Zen: Are you alright????

Saeran: Jumin.

Jumin: Yes?

Saeran: I need a squad of ten guards. Preferably those that are trained with guns and are good at not being noticed.

Jumin: Done.


Jumin: I'll have a group prepared

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Jumin: I'll have a group prepared.

Zen: Is this the speed and confidence of money??

Jumin: When do you want them by?

Saeran: Get then prepared as soon as possible.

Saeran: I will also need wire tapping— you buying it will be faster than me having Saeyoung make it

Zen: Saeyoung... It's so weird to know that Seven actually has a normal name

Jumin: Done.

Jumin: Contact me to let me know when and where you will need them.

Saeran: Zen. I have a job for you as well.

Zen: Me??

Zen: What can I do??

Saeran: Attend every event aligned with the drama. We need you to retain your image and gain even more public favor


Zen: With this face I can do that in my sleep!

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Zen: With this face I can do that in my sleep!

Saeran: As for Yoosung, I was going to ban him from the chat, but Saeyoung insisted on giving him a job.

Saeran: If he decides to stop being a pathetic bitch and wants to find out the truth for himself, Saeyoung has a job for him

Saeran has left the chat.

Zen: What kind of job is it?

Zen: He left -_-

Jumin: Right, well I am going to leave as well.

Jumin: I plan to complete the task as soon as possible.

Zen: I didn't see you as the type to take orders

Jumin: I see it as me doing what I can to save a friend in need.

Zen: Ew ew ewww

Zen: Don't talk like that you're freaking me out

Zen: Go back to being a robot


Zen: That's better

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Zen: That's better

Jumin: Well, I'll be going now.

Jumin: Ciao.

Zen: Later Trust Fund Kid

Jumin has left the chat.

Zen: Oh my god did I just say bye to him?

Zen: Ugh,, I should go brush my teeth again

Zen has left the chat.

Yoosung: Wow...


Yoosung: Did they really forget that I was still here...?

Yoosung: ...

Yoosung has left the chat.

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