Story Mode 90: Where Am I?

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Sharp pain in her side is the first thing Y/n feels when her eyes jolt open. Then, it's a hard jerk as she is tossed up slightly and thrown back down. Her head spins. "Where am I?" She groans as she attempts to sit up, immediately slamming her head against a hard surface. She panics. What's above her?? Her arms flail out to the side and she kicks, sending hot rips of pain through her wound. She's stuck in a small space. Everything is dark. There's the hum of the tires against smooth pavement and the muffled sound of a radio coming from somewhere nearby. Then, she remembers.

She was kidnapped and thrown into the trunk of a car.

Saeran. Y/n steels herself. The hum of the car is a soft, the tires aren't moving fast. The hospital was surrounded by highway so perhaps they've reached or are nearing their destination? She clenches her fists and takes a deep breath. If so, this may be her last chance to escape. Her arm brushes against her wound. Luckily, it seems the wound has stopped bleeding, but her arm still comes away wet. Not enough time has passed for her shirt to dry completely. Good. She might still be close to the hospital.

Y/n's thoughts are cut off far too abruptly when the car stops. Shit. She didn't have any time to come up with a plan. The music is cut off and the car doors swing open and slam shut seconds after. One. Two. Two people. Two people are coming her way. As best she can, Y/n goes limp and closes her eyes. Her only chance is to catch them by surprise.

"See," MC says as she crosses her arms and looks into the open trunk. She and Dr. Yun pulled over at a small field just off the highway and parked at the meeting point where a helicopter is prepared for them. Dr. Yun rolls his eyes and goes to grab the stuff out of the backseat of the car. "I told you that Y/n would still be asleep when we got here."

A deep smirk creases MC's features. Just as she was told, she starts up a large camera and focuses it on Y/n's form. She takes her time capturing every detail from her pain riddled expression to her blood soaked hospital gown and her cut and bruised feet from when she tried to run away after jumping out the window with Dr. Yun. MC has to make sure to get it all on video to please her Savior. And maybe, maybe if she does a good enough job, the Savior will allow her to watch the clip occasionally as well. "Hmm," MC shoves Y/n's shoulder down so that she's flat on her back in the trunk. She groans in her sleep. "Maybe I should strip you and let your precious beloved get a good look at just how much he's failed you.  Oh, I'd love to see his face." Y/n twitches at this, but MC doesn't seem to notice. Instead, MC's attention is on her free hand as it slowly lifts up Y/n's gown from just beneath her thighs and slowly up her legs. "Wow," MC breathes out. It's been so long since she's seen Y/n in general, let alone her naked body. She can fight the smirk from growing on her lips. The gown comes up past the curve of her rear and Y/n's panties are displayed to the camera. Impatient, MC begins to yank at the fabric, jerking Y/n's injured body along with it. Still, she doesn't stir from her slumber. "It's almost as if she wants me to strip her naked and—"

"That's enough, MC." Dr. Yun cuts her off as he comes back from transferring some supplies from the car to the helicopter. "We are kidnapping her, that's it. You're wasting time. Let's g—"

The camera falls to the ground. Jumping out of the open trunk, Y/n charges at the first thing in front of her and hits. Hard. Y/n's fists smashes into the woman's face before her, not even giving herself enough time to recognize it. The moment MC is knocked to the ground, Y/n's head swirls around. Car. Weapon? Helicopter? Help? Forest? Run. Run! RUN!


Y/n takes off across the clearing charging straight towards the thick sloth of forest surrounding the small field. MC shrieks and picks herself up off of the ground. Dr. Yun is already on Y/n's heels.

"No!" Y/n screams. Her heart pounds in her chest and her side twists in agony. Her feet sting with every step as she propelles herself forward. Right there! The trees, safety, it's right there! She's not fast enough. "No! No! Please! Please leave me al—"

Dr. Yun doesn't miss a beat. With a single dive, he tackles Y/n down into the dirt. She collapses fast and black takes over her vision as her head bounces and scrapes against the hard ground. Her heart thunders in her ears. She can't feel anything. She can't feel anything. Why? Why her? Where is he? Where is Saeran?

Dr. Yun clenches his teeth and sighs deeply as he catches his breath. Before they put her in the trunk, he made sure to give her a light sedative. In addition to the injury, it's extraordinary that she could regain consciousness so quickly, let alone nearly escape. He hauls the unconscious girl onto his shoulder and pulls her gown down to recover some of  her dignity. They were only a few yards away from the forest. Had he been just a little slower, she could've gotten away.

MC clenches the camera tightly as she focuses on Y/n. The Savior said that she'll be replacing the audio on the video so that she can have Ray hear her voice again and personally invite him back to the Mint Eye. It doesn't matter that MC will definitely be punished for Y/n's near escape. Nothing is more delicious than the thought of Ray becoming distraught over this. Except, for maybe, the thought that she, MC, is the one who's had such a strong effect on Y/n.

"I'm putting her on the helicopter," The doctor yells as he walks back towards the car, heading for the helicopter. He's really not all for this whole cult shit. He just wants to kill people. Kidnapping and all that bullshit is just a waste of time. He's got better things to do. "Hurry up so we can go."

"Let me take her!" MC meets him just at the side of the car and shoves the camera to him. "You can take this."

The urge to spit fills his throat. "So you can have company during your 'cleansing ceremony'? Hell no."

MC hasn't seen Y/n since she moved away during high school. He doesn't understand just how long she has been waiting for this moment. "Take the camera, she's mine!" With a hard yank, MC pulls Y/n right off of Dr.Yun's shoulder and drops her to the hard ground, her head hitting the side of the car as she falls with with a loud thud.

"You fucking imbecile!"

The impact is hard enough that Y/n wakes up with a painful wail. Tears flow freely and she screams as her hands fly to hold her head. The splitting pain is overwhelming and her vision is consumed in a blinding white blur. Then, arms appear within her sight, reaching out to grab her again.

Her legs kick beneath her and she's tripping over her self as she forces her body forward. Her two attackers clash just enough to get in each other's way. They both charge at her, but it's too late. She flings the front door open and blocks their way. She's in the front seat and she shuts the door and locks them out. Her hands fumble as she moves to cut on the engine. She can escape! She can make it back to Saeran! Everything will finally be okay! Her fingers finally stumble upon the ignition. Her heart sinks. There are no keys.

Y/n bangs her head against the wheel and kicks in frustration. She doesn't notice when Dr. Yun uses the keys to unlock the door and pull her out. Her body falls limp with exhaustion and she fails to notice the needle entering her skin, another dose of a sedative entering her veins.

MC grins as they load the day's prize into the helicopter. No one will be able to stop them now. She ends the video to Ray with a shot of her stroking Y/n's unconscious face gently. MC did it. She fucking did it.

"Y/n... she's finally mine."

Author's Note
From this point on, the story will include extreme themes including but not limited to physical violence, sexual violence, and crazy bitches named Rika. Please do not continue reading if you are uncomfortable.

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