Story Mode 69: Hey It's a New Chapter (and extra fluffy cause im late)

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"Ray, you look pale, are you feeling alright?" Y/n asks lightly as one of the nurses puts down a large tray of food for him. "Should I ask her for some more pain medication?"

"Oh, no," he shakes his head softly as Y/n touches his forehead lightly. He doesn't seem to have a fever. "I'm fine, Y/n. I'll be healed up in just a little longer."

"Okay," Y/n responds with a smile as she sits on the chair by his bed. The food arranged over is lap looks pretty good for a hospital. Steam comes off the top of all of the different dishes and their pleasant aromas fill the room. A mischievous grin forms on her lips, "Can I try feeding you?" Saeran got to feed her before, so it'd be fine if she does the same, right?

He gaze shifts away and one of his hands covers his face, "I can eat on my own." Y/n giggles at his soft tone but leaves him be nonetheless. "It's already midday. Aren't you hungry, Y/n? Oh! And what about your job?" The realization comes quickly to Saeran. Y/n just smiles.

She bats her hand slightly as if swatting his worries away one by one. "Jumin gave me the day off. And I had finished all of my work anyway." She picks up his spoon and puts it in his hand. "I already ate a little while you were sleeping. Eat up."

Saeran dips his spoon into his soup, but pauses. "Are you sure?"

"Yup," she smiles. "Take your time and once you're done I'll tell you about that thing."



Y/n's heart sinks slightly as the nurse takes Saeran's empty tray away. She hasn't had enough time to mentally prepare herself. Her fingers clench tightly and she paints on a light smile. "Ray, are you sure that was enough? Do you want seconds?"

"I normally don't eat that much—"

"Which is exactly why you should have seconds!" Y/n looks over to the nurse that has stopped in the door way waiting for the couple's decision. "Sorry, could we have—"

"Thank you," Saeran interrupts Y/n. "The food was good but I'm too full to eat another. Please have a nice day." Seeing as Saeran is the patient and from the looks of the tray he had eaten a decent amount, the nurse decides to prioritize his choice. She dips her head in a quick bow and leaves. When the door shuts, Saeran looks over to Y/n curiously. "Your attempt at stalling is cute."

"Saeran..." Y/n trails off and forces herself to throw off her jitters. "We're gonna be together for a long time..." Her fingers push the ring on her finger in small circles. It's the one Saeran bought her with 'his' inscribed on the inside.

"Of course."

Y/n's eyes bolt down to her lap as she receives the sound reply. "So in the future... well, like," she bites the inside of her lip. "What do you imagine when you think of us five or ten years from now? Is that too long?"

"I could tell you about even a hundred years from now." Y/n giggles and Saeran takes her hand gently in his. She meets his mint green eyes. "In five years..." his cheeks warm. "Anything is fine?"

"As honestly as possible," she smiles lightly. "Don't omit anything, I wanna hear everything."

She looks up at him expectantly, causing him to give in. "In five years," he starts again. "If you want this as well... I imagine coming up on our first milestone anniversary. We'd live together in a nice home with a large yard and a nice garden in the front. I can see you sitting in a rocking chair with a—" His eyes catches Y/n's. "—a baby held to your chest."

Their fingers lace together, locking tightly. Saeran kisses her knuckles with lightness of a feather. "After I saw you get the toy for the little girl, I've been wondering what kind of mother you'd make— if that's something that you want too." Y/n's head droops slightly. "If it's not something you want, that's fine with me as well of course!"

"It's not that..." She sighs and clenches his hand. "What about ten years?"

"Y/n, any future is fine as long as I'm with you." His free hand tuck a piece of her hair in place behind her ear. "What's going on...?"

She softens at the sweet time of his voice. "I just don't know if I'll be able to have kids," the words slip out more smoothly than she expected. "The new medication my doctor has put me on has a side effect of decreasing fertility. There's also the worry of me not surviving child birth— though I would've been fine if my condition hadn't worsened suddenly."

"Your condition worsened?" His grip on her hand tightens slightly, his eyes growing as they scour Y/n's form for a sign of pain or illness. "When? Why? Are feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, I was surprised too. I felt like I was getting better, not worse. But each time I go they increase the dosage they've been giving me." Her Doctor, Dr. Yun, explained that her condition can be like that at times. The body may slowly degrade without you knowing and then one day you suffer from heart failure and game over. So she has no choice but to take the medication. "Other than the fertility thing, they said there are no major side effects."

"That's good then." Saeran pauses for a moment, lost in thought. "Can I go with you next time you go to see the doctor?"

"Of course." A warm smile rises to her lips. She should've known that with a wonderful man like Saeran this conversation was nothing to worry about. "I started going to one at the headquarters during lunch. We can go to the check up and then grab a bite to eat after."

"Sounds perfect." Gently, Saeran pulls on Y/n's hand. Without him having to say anything, she fulfilled his requests and climbs on the small hospital bed next to him. As the woman adjusts herself on all fours, Saeran's hands find her waist and quickly pulls her down to lay half on him and half beside him. Her ear presses against his chest and her arms wrap around his center, careful to avoid his already healing wound. The strong pumping of his heart calms her mind as he presses more feathery kisses to her forehead.

Her eyes close as she relishes the feeling of being in her boyfriend's arms. "You're not upset about the fertility thing?"

"You're not soil, Y/n. As long as you're happy and healthy, I'm happy. If you still want want kids and we can't manage well, there are always other options." Y/n's eyes twinkle as she looks up at him from his chest. Saeran can only hope that she will always stay this close to him.


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