"Stop it, brother!" It alarmed me as I noticed Dhruvi in the doorway. He didn't release my arm even in front of his sister. I squirmed my hands trying to get his grip off but he tightened it painfully. I don't want to cry. No. 

"She is my friend! She didn't trespass nor did she rob your place. Now leave her!" She said sternly stomping her foot towards us. He tsked letting my hand go with a force. "Give me a moment" she softly told me and I left the place immediately. 

The moment I stepped out of the condo, I cried. When I went into the elevator, I wept covering my mouth as I was afraid to let my wail out. This is the worst day and I don't want to remember it ever! I pleaded god squeezing my eyes to let me forget all that had happened.

The lift came to a stop in the basement and I tottered to her car. Tears dried up and the freezing wind enveloped my hot body. I waited for her to come even though it's hard to even stay in the basement which is just down his place. Every part in me started to hate him for what he said. I want him to take it back but I don't want to face him too. This is it! I mentally crumple his picture in my mind and burnt it. He took the tad bit of my self-respect and threw it in the trash can. I hate him! I hate him, God! I wish I had never met him. I wish I had never lost the only precious jewel of mine to him. There were no tears this time. It just didn't come. Maybe it's all over. I stayed leaning against the hood looking at the cloudy sky and the occasional lighting that flashed across the black clouds. 

"I'm sorry" the whisper reached my ear. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I said my voice devoid of emotion. Dhruvi clicked her heels towards me and wrapped her arms around my torso. "He's an idiot. He shouldn't have talked to you like that. I'm sorry for him" she pleaded after pulling apart. I simply nodded and she smiled. Her phone rang alerting us both and she answered it. I swept my palms on either side of my cheeks and sniffled.

"Is it? Okay... Yes," she spoke hurriedly her face showing some emergency. I waited for her to hang up the call and asked her once she finished it. 

"What is it?" I asked her when she checked her purse for the car keys. "It was my dad again. He wants me to get this pen drive to him soon. I don't know what to do now" she took the keys and stared at me worriedly. I understood that she cannot give me a ride but right now I'll be happy if I'm left alone. 

"It's okay. You can leave. I... I'll take a taxi" I reassured her but she felt bad. I know she has to feel bad because if I were in her shoes, I will definitely feel sorry for what my brother would've done and now this. 

"I'm fine, Dhruvi. Just go. It must be something important" I urged her. "Okay... Take care, okay? Call me once you reach home. I'm so sorry babe!" She hugged me again before getting inside the car and taking off. I watched her car reach the main road just when the rain hit the ground. I was purely irritated. It's hard to find a taxi when it rains and it's already late. Such an unfortunate day! 

I thought that the worst day of my life was when I fought with my dad about my career option. He got really pissed when I stood my ground wanting to study fashion. He offended me that it wasn't something prestigious and he didn't want me to go for a job. Mom had not helped in the matter too. She stood behind dad silently listening to his growl against me. I remember when I didn't eat that day and everything went fast after that. I decided to apply to the university myself and when I got the admission letter, only then I spoke to my father again. Not that I was angry with him, it was he who didn't want to do anything with me as I went against his words. Mom had no say when dad speaks. I don't know whether she's afraid or she respects his decision but she always stayed quiet. I love her so much because she supports me silently. But I also want her to talk because she has all the rights equally as my father to decide something for me. The only thing is she didn't. Once I started to live in college, she used to call me occasionally, like once in a month or so. I missed them so much even if they didn't care about me as I wanted them to. All the things were trying to stir the broken part in me. I miss them now. I wish I had listened to them. Maybe I would've gotten married and what's more, I would've had kids too. But would I like it? Do I want it? No. Certainly not but things make us think that we took a wrong step but no, there's always a way where there will. I wanted this life, my life, my career.

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