Episode 0-2 (Part 1): Pre-loading Assets

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The door opened. Not by me, but by her.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hello." The black and red-haired wolf-girl greeted back.

I simply handed forward my application form. My information all filled in. No need to mention the small details, right?

"I'm up for hire. Doc himself recommended me to go with you on this Op." I stood and watched Ms. Texas read my form. Her eyes glossing over the paper.

"Will this take long? I'm on assistant duty and-"

"No need. I've made my decision." She handed the form back to me.

"I decline your application."


"What the gutsack shi-"


My application form was slapped onto Doc's desk. Doc himself looked at the paper. And back at the one who put it there.

"Uhm. Texas, what's this about?" Doc pointed at the paper.

"He tried applying for the Operation. I simply decline." She simply said. Damn, she didn't even stutter.

"What? Why?" Doc asked. Curiosity in his voice. "I personally recommend Six! He's very good! And you perfectly described his role for your Operation, right-"

"He does fit the specific requirements I do want. But." Texas sighed a little. "I don't think he would be compatible with the rest of the team."

Doc tilted his head in confusion. I too was confused. Then Doc turned his head at me.

"You know you're here, listening right? You can say something." He said.

"Ah, no worries. I'm just being patient right now."

I won't lie. I'm mustering everything I can not to lose my cool and blow up in front of Texas. Though when you think about it, that sounds immature and impulsive of me. So, no need to yell at the girl.

Doc returned his gaze to the wolf. "Anyway, would you like to elaborate on your reason why he would not be 'compatible' with the rest of the squad?"

Texas took out a wafer stick-I'm sorry, Pocky stick and put it in her mouth. She then pointed at the application paper.

"Read a bit of that." Doctor complied and looked at the part she highlighted. After moments of reading, he lowered the form.

"I don't get it."

Texas sighed. "Doctor. I didn't accept Mr. Six into the Operation because it looks like he would play the role of hero and mess it up."



Seriously, what?

"He wrote it down here. It looks like he would go solo and try to be the hero who takes all the glory." Texas explained.

Doctor looked back at the part she mentioned. Trying to get ahold of what I wrote. He lowered it and faced her.

"W-well, that is true. It looks like he would disrupt the whole carefully planned operation and cowboy his way in."

Then Doctor looked at me.

"But you wouldn't do that, would you Six?" Texas also looked at me.

"Yeah. Of course. I may have been a mercenary, but this is a military op. Of course, I'll follow jurisdictions."

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