Episode 0-2 (Part 2): Pre-loading Assets.. again

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I entered the training room. It was still early, but Texas and Hoshiguma were there. Same with some other Operators. I think I see Franka, Liskarm, and Croissant?

"Six? You're up early." Hoshiguma commented. Texas turned to where I was.

I pulled out a paper from my coat. I stopped in front of the wolf girl in-charge.

I presented the paper.

"I'm third-in-command now."


When I woke up, Doc was also awake. He invited me for some coffee inside his office. I didn't mind and joined him inside. When we got our drinks, I told him what I had in mind. Specifically, the additional details about the op.

I would've assumed Doc agreed at how unethical it was to not leave details about our alternate extraction. But instead, he went on the defense. Telling me that Ch'en silently left the 'how' of the extraction to ourselves. So the details of escaping were up to us?

I told Doc that the Operators likely relied on the first method of the Operation. Getting rid of enemies and not fleeing from the area. I asked how my squadmates would react if suddenly, we got Sarkaz greatswords up our asses.

While it's true that a lot of them are more combat-ready than I perceive them to be, that still doesn't change matters that the Operators can't just panic. And then Doc said that he can just guide and lead them along just fine, I told him two things. One, he was going to be on the battlefield? And two, what if our communications get jammed? How then? Who would lead?

Firstly, he told me that he wouldn't personally join the op. Rather, he would spectate and oversee things with Ch'en. Should there be details needed to be given, then they would fill them in.

Secondly, he said that they should rely on the squad leader. Follow their lead, and such.

You know what I said? I told him that sounded unreliable.

The team should know their objectives. They know their roles already, and it's up to them on how they should use it. As long as the means justify the ends, they say. They will have to do whatever they can without relying on their squad leader to give orders. I asked him what if the leader died? What, do they just rely on the second-in-command?

It put Doc into thought.

My point is, details are missing. The squad might be unprepared. And they may not know what to do if the alternative comes around.

I know I make it look like these Operators are kids, newbies at the battlefield who wouldn't know how to react to a spontaneous combat situation. But panic is a real thing in war. No matter how prepared you are, a new variable might just appear and fuck up your perfect plan. Causing panic, and loss of composure.

Ok maybe treating them as dumbasses is too much.

When we were talking about this, I expected the solution would be to just prepare a bit more. And switch up our way of work instead of a risky tower defense maneuver.

I didn't expect, however, for Doc to turn me into the third person to be in command for the operation.

I was startled at first. But then he told me that we should give my leadership a try. Maybe that would be different. Though of course, I would still be bound to what the actual squad leader, which is Texas, would say.

I sighed.

Well. If it meant not getting any one of ourselves killed, then fine. I accept.

So then we got to work with a letter.

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