Episode 0-3 (Part 1): Orange Cargo

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Courier Six

Rhodes Island / Lungmen Guard Department Joint Operation

East Coast Docks, Great Lungmen


"Six, how are your readings? Over."

"We're looking at your standard squad. Ten, twelve hostiles."

"Standard? That's too little of them."

"Well what's your standard amount?"

"Should be at least 25 or 34."

"Well we can best assume they'll be calling for reinforcements somewhere. That or they have a fuckton of Originium slugs."

"Copy that. Confirm if they are heavies or foot soldiers."

"You got four veteran crossbowmen. Two veteran defenders, three light armored soldiers. And the rest are dual swordsmen."

"No casters?"


"Roger. Defenders, are you in position?"


"Vanguards and snipers are in the ready. Just make the call, Texas."

"Oi, Texas. Loosen up a bit, will ya?"

"Croissant, if you know what's best for you, then you better keep quiet."

"Hai, hai."

"Six. Whenever you're ready."

"Power's out in three, two, one."

The lights of the entire dock died out, the sound of a dying generator came in.

"This is Hoshiguma, breaching." The sounds of doors breaking in followed after.

"Vanguards following suit." Texas said as the sound of swords swinging was heard.

"Copy. Ranged units moving to position." The sound of Warfarin's voice came through the radio.

The channel went dead silent. And even though I was perched atop this tall-ass crane, I couldn't see what they were doing.

Well Texas, this is your part. I'll just put my hope in you for now.


The Lupo crouched, raising a hand sign to stop Vigna. The Sarkaz girl froze. Texas in front quietly sneaked towards a dual swordsman guard on a chair. Sleeping as his seat was leaning back. Typical.

Texas took out her sword hilt, and when she neared the guard she quickly activated her energy blade, covered his mouth, and stabbed the blade into the guard's neck.

With little resistance, the guard's sign of life went away. Texas let go and propped him and the chair straight. She motioned Vigna to continue following her.

"One down." Texas spoke into her earpiece.

"Two inside." Liskarm suddenly spoke into the channel.

On the other warehouse, the Defender team was already sweeping through. Liskarm saw two Reunion members inside and notified the team.

"Make sure they don't wake up." Hoshiguma instructed.

Since Liskarm and Franka were paired up together, they made short work of the two guards, the darkness helping them conceal themselves. The brown-haired Guard Operator took down the one near them while the blue Vouivre shot the other one with her silenced pistol. After that, they silently advanced through the warehouse.

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