Episode 0-1 (Part 1): First Time Hire - Advanced Certificate: Six

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"I'm Six. Just call me that. My services range to a lot of different things. From courier service to bodyguarding and assassinating, I'm a jack of all trades."


And that was it.

A few fruitful words, a small drill, paperwork, filing, and I'm an official Operator of Rhodes Island.

Those words I said, flashed by within two weeks. It was that fast.

Maybe because I gained an immediate routine, or nobody did notice my presence that much. Would not be surprised if they just considered me as the other security guards.

Not that it mattered much to me anyway. I could care less about my Karma here.

Which reminded me.

I just woke up, and I was fortunate to be put inside a room and not one of the dormitories. Doc said something when he pulled a bit of research on me. So when he found out, he put me inside my own room.

A privilege to be honest. Soon after I got my room, I turned a portion of it into a personal workshop. Though it's not like I can't use the workshop down in the 3rd basement.

Going back, I just woke up. And my detached Pip-Boy 3000 was on my bedside cabinet. I flung and flicked it onto my left wrist. Immediately attaching.

Other than checking the time which was, 7 AM. I went to my general statistics. I rechecked how much Karma I had. Since it's been a rough couple of months since I checked it.

Why did I even bother checking it now, of all days?

I switched tabs. I found my answer.

Karma: Good.


A small FYI: I hate having Karma.

I won't say much about it, I just prefer staying Neutral. The gray area.

The bright side is that I can go lower it. The problem is how.

Oh well, I'll answer those questions next time.

For now, it's morning. I'm two hours away from my shift. And I realized I'm hungry.

A short shower will do. Plus my Elite Riot Gear is the only thing I wear around here.

Good thing it doesn't smell.


"Heyy! Six!" The Doc waved at me. Like some sort of kid.

Then I could feel the eyes of other Operators looking at where I'm at.

I'll be perfectly honest: I'm a stoic and pissed off guy. But this type of situation is embarassing.

I didn't verbally respond. But I turned tail with my tray in hand and out of the cafeteria.

Then I heard the sounds of metal clanging. And the clamoring of voices as I went into the hall.

"H-hey, wait!"

"Doctor, watch out!"

"Be careful!"

"Watch where you're going you fool!"

It didn't take much time before the Doc caught up with me. He also had a tray in hand, filled with his morning meal.

"Morning Six." He said, letting out a huff from all the running.

"Morning." I responded, my voice changing modulator my helmet has installed seems to be normal for Doc now.

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