Recording 01: Not the Sauin Job

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Before Mostima left for good, she went to a random stall. Taking in the last minute to stay before she Mostima's again. Maybe she could get some Lungmen candy for the ride. Or some fish balls. Takoyaki if she's daring and determined to find any.

So what was the stall selling?

"Get some Fancy Lad Snack Cakes!" A gruffy middle-aged man yelled.

'Snack cakes?'

Mostima approached the stall. "Hello there."

"Ah, hello. Would you like some Fancy Lad Snack Cakes?" The stall owner said.

"Yeah. I'll buy one." Mostima nodded. The man opened the box that had the food, and gave her...

"Huh, cupcakes?" She asked.

"Call it what you want. That man right there was kind enough to sponsor my business." The stall owner pointed to his right. Mostima followed his finger and saw a heavily armored man standing. Viewing something on his wrist.

"Plus I tried one of the cakes. I seriously recommend it." The stall owner grinned.

Mostima hummed. Before taking a bite out of the cake.

She smiled. Like usual. "Ain't bad."

"See? Heheh." The stall owner chuckled.

Mostima reached for some money. "How much is it?"



"Enjoy your cake!"

Mostima then turned left. Going to where the man was. Taking a closer look, he wore green. Trench coat was grey. Shoulder armor? Green. He had bandoliers on him. One had a bunch of pockets strapped on, the other were bullets that made him look like he was some sort of jungle hero.

The helmet looked both intimidating and charismatic. In fact, she can say that...

Mostima approached the man. "Hey. Nice armor."

The man hummed. She noticed the modulator in his voice. "Thanks."

He lowered his Pip-Boy. The Sankta inspected his weapons. He noticed he might have handguns on his waist. And he had a sniper too. Odd. Must he be from Laterano?

"You need anything? Other than checking out my gear?" The man asked. He had a bit of a wary tone in his voice.

"Hm? Oh, no." Mostima raised her hands a bit. "I didn't mean to. I was just curious."

"Like they say, curiosity is a crapshoot." He pocketed his gloved hands. "I learned that myself."

"Heh. Tell me about it." Mostima bit another of the snack cake.

"Hey, that's the thing I gave that guy. Didn't think he'd actually sell it." The man noticed.

"It's pretty good."

"For a factory-made snack."

"For a factory-made snack."



"Aw dammit."

"Aw dammit."

They both laughed weakly.

The man gained his composure. "Hm. You look like the type where we can share deep shit without introducing ourselves."

"Like a drinking buddy?" Mostima bit another of the snack cake.

"Do you drink?"

"Not right now I can't. I'm on duty. Well, about to be. Gonna leave soon anyways."

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