Chapter 18 (part 1)

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Before he could say anything, another thought crossed my mind. "Wait! What about Neha? Don't tell me you are cheating on her!" I was surprised at my own realisation.

"What?! No!!" He replied immediately. "Rheyan, Ahana is my sister. I- I mean like a sister. How can you think...." He trailed off as if not wanting to complete the sentence.

He turned around and took a deep breath as a sign of calming himself.

"I love Neha. I will never cheat on her with anyone." He said softly. "And please never ever think about me and Ahana in that way." He added while cringing visibly as the mere thought of them together was disgusting him.

"Oh." It came out as a whisper. I doubted if he heard it or not.

Well, his expressions were worth seeing. He looked like I had barged in the washroom when he was peeing. As funny as it sounded, I would never do that.

"There is no need to overreact Nikhil." I commented.

"I'm not overreacting. For me she is just like Ahana and Aarushi...." He again trailed off.

Silence prevailed in background whilst guilt swarmed in his eyes.

Till today one thing I didn't understand was the reason behind his guilt. When Aarushi died, he changed too just like.... Aahi. Then I realised that how much a person value in our life. Their presence can do wonders and the fact is we understand their value only when they leave us. Aarushi, the little angel, was the same person.

"Sometimes I wonder, what things would have been like if she was with us alive." He said, most likely wished. His whole demeanour was changed and all I could see was the Nikhil who was fighting on his own with his inner demons all vulnerable.

The Nikhil I knew had never cared for anyone. He was a carefree person. He had emotions and had always kept them on the bay. I had never seen him so attached with anyone before Aarushi's death, not even with Aahi. But after that incident everything changed.

He realised he should let others know what their importance was in his life and how much they mean to him while Aahi....she left, leaving all of us behind.


"How's she?" I asked in a low voice.

He looked back at me, probably processing my words in his mind. I turned to the side and grabbed a water bottle from the table as the memories of hangouts of three of us, our playfulness and promises rushed into my mind.

Of course she must have been doing good. What a stupid question you asked.

My subconscious mocked me.

Gulping down the contents inside the bottle I shook my head at my stupidity with a taunting smile playing on my lips.

"Tomorrow is Aarushi's death anniversary Rheyan." He said, again disregarding my previous question. His voice shaking at the end.

I stilled.

"There is a small puja at home for her like every year. I'll be waiting for you." He added.

I didn't turn back to him but could feel his eyes on my back.

"I'm going home." Placing now empty water bottle back on table I walked to the glass doors of the room.

"Where is your home Rheyan?" He asked from behind stopping me in my tracks.

Silence prevailed in the room. Again. Now what I should answer to his question. I had no answer to it.

A Promise : To You For YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz