CH: Training? For what?

TG: i dont know actually

TG: its almost like hes preparing me for something

CH: Hm, well that's cool.

TG: what about you

TG: why are you up so early

CH: I can't seem to sleep, I don't know why though.

TG: oh please

TG: im pretty damn sure you know why

CH: Fine, fine. I keep having these nightmares, like. Recurring ones, and I can never get to sleep.

TG: shit son

CH: I'm not your son.

CH: I'm a responsible young woman.

TG: sure

CH: Shut up, loser.

TG: same to you weirdo

CH: Wow, real mature.

TG: what the fuck

CH: Yeah, I don't know either.

TG: so

TG: what happens in your nightmares?

CH: It's like they're reminders of my dead friends.

CH: Like, there's a giant row of corpses.

CH: Including people like Jade, Karkat and the real dead people too.

CH: And you're there too, dead like all the rest of them.

TG: how do i die

CH: Uh, I don't think I remember.

CH: They're multiple copies of the same person too, so I think one way you die is by getting stabbed twice?

CH: Yeah, I don't know it's weird.

CH: But oddly scary too, it's like it's all too real.

TG: dont worry

TG: its not real

CH: I know, I know.

TG: if theyre reoccurring maybe you should see someone

CH: Nah, you seem okay enough for me.

CH: Dave Strider, the dream consult.

TG: i could work with that

TG: helping people in need

TG: every fucking day

CH: 24/7 help for your unwanted dreams.

TG: comes with a free coffee the first 50 visits

CH: Heh, yeah.

And after that, you both seemed not able to type. It was a fun conversation to say the least, even though you were undeniably tired. Dave was cool, a cool guy for a friend in need.

CH: When does your brother wake you up?

TG: around 4:30am

CH: Shit, that early?

TG: yeah

CH: You think I could talk to you about these daily?

TG: I don't see why not

CH: Ehehe, thank you Dave.

CH: <3

TG: <3

CH: Holy shit.

CH: Didn't expect that from the coolest dude in school.

TG: shut up and live in the fucking moment

CH: Alright.

You then smiled, this guy was a dork. But that was what made it funny, and sometimes rather cute.


Yeah idk, is this fluffy?

Fluffy flirting?

Idk, but I figured you needed some more 'romantic' interactions with Dave. If you can even call that romantic.

ALSO IF YOU CAN'T READ THEM, THOSE ARE HEARTS. My android won't read them for some reason, so yeah they're hearts.

So yeah, have a good day.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora