Your Fan Story

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Well, I'm going to try this tag I made, and we'll see how it goes. Here's my fan story, I guess...


I think it's time for me to fess up.

I wasn't a fan of Fantastic Beasts from the beginning.

I'm sorry, I know it's sacrilegious, I deserve to be kicced from the fandom, but I was too blind to see everything from the start. *gets pelted with rotten fruit* Okay! I'm sorry! I know! I know! *closes door behind me* Sorryyy-

The first time I watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was with How2BanIntrovert. It was really fun. We were planning to watch something else, but we ended up with FB instead. I vaguely remember that. They remember most of it.

That's pretty ironic. They even chewed me out when I didn't recognise the same theatre we went to (oh, the shame... ;-;). I don't remember any of it, but they tell me that when we walked out of the theatre, I said it "wasn't that good."

Now that I think about it, it seems like the kind of thing my stupid ass would say. I guess I used to be one of those haters that thought JKR had milked the idea for long enough. I was ignorant and insensitive. If only I knew that she hadn't simply come up with the idea... it was already all there in her mind. Jo is truly a magnificent woman. She has an entire universe right there- I think that even with the number of books and films that have tried to capture it, nothing would have done her justice. I had no idea that Newt's story had already put down roots in her mind right alongside Harry's. Oh, imagine if I knew what was coming for me after that...

A few years passed... cut to 15 November, 2018...

My family went and watched Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. None of us were particularly interested in FB. I still don't know why we decided to watch it.

I'm stubborn and small-minded, so I walked into the cinema with low expectations after remembering my dissatisfaction from the first movie. The film was confusing and nothing really made sense. I was convinced that there was no way there could be three more movies after that one.

Yet, I left the theatre with mixed feelings. I don't know what or why. We got into the car, and just as we were pulling out of the car park, I had that fateful awakening.

Yeah, it was a bit of a confusing movie, and I might not have paid much attention to the first one, but I think it was at that particular moment when my mind suddenly swung around and pointed in the other direction. I remember that vividly.

I remember what caused me to join, as well. Absolutely, I do.

It was the characters. I just fell in love with the characters. Particularly Newt. I really think that, after watching them all getting bent, twisted, played around with and dropped into different situations for two movies, that they had grown and been explored a lot. Seeing them onscreen was like a game- which one was that? That was the main guy in the last movie. Who's that, is she a new character? Oh, it's the girl again... she looks so different!

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