The time I rang Newt and asked him for Jacob's phone number for... reasons

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This is where it all started...

This is where it all started

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I wanted to write my whole phone conversation with Newt in that comment, but:

1) It would annoy the living nifflers out of Fangurl_700

2) I was kinds running out of time

3) What even was the point

So I googled Newt's number (nothing came up but let's just pretend something did...) and saved his contact and decided to ring him instead of texting him because that way, I get to talk to senpai.

DISCLAIMER: None of this actually happened, but it's fun to pretend :''>

And I'm pretty sure this is how it would go...

So here it is now...

Me, heart pounding so hard and mouth as dry as parchment: *dials number*

Me, with shaking hands and rapid breathing: *holds phone to my ear*

~ Three rings later ~

Receiver: Hello, this is Newt Scamander. Unfortunately, I am unavailable right now, but please leave a message, and I'll call you back. *muffled* Shut up, Theseus!

Receiver: *BLEEP*






Me, heart pounding so hard and mouth as dry as parchment (again): *dials number*

Me, with shaking hands and rapid breathing (again): *holds phone to my ear*

~ Three rings later ~

Receiver: *muffled crunching* Hello?

Me: *unable to talk for a few seconds*

Reciever: Uhh... hello?

Me, grinning stupidly and flapping my hands crazily because no one can see me geeking out: *squeaky voice* HI!

Receiver: Oh! Um, hello! Sorry, but... who are you?


Me: *desperately trying to keep my cool* Newt Scamander's biggest fan.


Me: Even though he probably gets loads of fan mail and random texts and calls telling him that he's everyone's idol and he has millions of fans.

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