Interesting stuffs that happened during year eight camp

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Alrighty! Hello guys!

As you might/might not :p know, I recently went on year eight camp (I won't say where, but it was kinda cold) and it was a lot of fun!

I won't write everything that happened, because we were gone for three whole days and had nine different activities, but here are some highlights...

Also, I know it's long, but please stick with me?


Now, I'm a shy turtle and I don't like making new friends, so I kinda died a bit inside when I saw that I didn't have any friends with me. I know you're meant to treat things like that as a "learning experience" or an "opportunity", but NO.

no deal.

- Some of those activities that provided inspiration.

I don't mean sappy 'It was a great learning experience' inspiration. I mean 'What if Newt and Tina and Queenie and Jacob and Theseus and Leta went camping and did this' kind of inspiration.

In case you're wondering, imagine them raft-building, rock-climbing, canoeing, abseiling, or orienteering. Can I call dibs on this idea?

It was literally all I talked about the whole time, and I'm really surprised I still have friends.

-- Rumours, pranks, and midnight feasts.


There were multiple cases of each of these previous years on camps, but not this year :/

At least, not in my cabin.

- By rumours, I mean those kids that whisper across the table like 'Last night, I heard footsteps outside my door, and I heard from [insert name of precious, queen bee, popular student here]'s friend that she heard from someone who works there that a killer was on the loose and I think they're trying to murder someone from our school.'

This happened every single year on camp, though the story was always a little different, and everyone was hiding behind their bunk beds crying and shaking and being scared and almost getting a heart attack whenever they heard footsteps outside the door.

Turns out, the year that those rumours started out, the only person not from our school on that camp was a little old Asian lady in the cabin five doors down.

- By pranks, you probably know what I mean.

Personally, no one has deemed me important enough to prank, so I've been flying under the radar with that kind of stuff, but I think that one of the most common pranks are ding-dong ditches, AKA when people knock on your dormitory door then hide/run away, so when you answer it, there's no one there.

Haha, imagine Theseus and Newt ganging up to prank everyone else, then hiding in their tent snickering until the other four team up and push their mattresses onto the lake in the middle of the night. Then when they wake up, they're floating in the middle of the lake on their mattresses and they can't do anything and when they try and stand up, they fall into the water. Oh, I am SO calling dibs on this idea!

- Midnight feasts. *inhale*

Here's something I can actually talk about. This year, we didn't really have a midnight feast, because it's kind of weird sharing food in the dark with people you don't even know the name of, but I can talk about previous years.

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