Wattpad things that kinda confused me but now I'm fine with them

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Yeah, another update. I'm horribly bored, that's all.

So here's a list. It's a pretty short list.

Pls don't hate me, these are things that struck me when I first joined the FB fandom, but I've slowly come to accept like a gud hooman. I may even be guilty of doing a few myself.

Everyone assumes that Newt's parents own a mansion. I'm not against it, I'm just noticing that in every fanfic, if Tina visits Newt's house, they have this flipping huge palace-kind-of house with a pool and a garden and stables (which is actually accurate) and... you get the idea.

Tina's favourite creature is the Occamy. I'm guessing this is because she was the person who (with Newt's help, of course) caught the Occamy in the first movie. It is kind of understandable if you think about it, I'm just observing :)

People just assuming what Achilles Tolliver looks like.

Queenie always making strudel for dinner. I mean, yeah, it happened in the first movie, but now in every Fanfiction I read, Queenie is the equivalent of a strudel factory.

It's sooper short, so I'll probably add more later on :)

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