Things we devised from our history lesson 31/10/2019

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(A while ago, I know.)

My friends and I have such weird conversations, that I made a list of all the weird things we talked about between ourselves during history that day.

I removed irl names, of course, replacing them with their Wattpad usernames instead, and for one of my friends who doesn't have Wattpad >:0 I called her Noodles. Because we call her Noodles.

Ricky is our imaginary friend. He owns a Bible that he is very fond of.

Seals are very complex characters 

 Queenie smells like vanilla roses 

 Queenie is a fictional carrot

  RavenclawSeal139 and Cateye992 are British bois 2.0 

 Silky boi

 Ricky lost his Bible

 Ricky needs his Bible 

 Ricky loves his Bible

  Cateye992 likes kneecaps 

  Cateye992's pointy shoe

 Silky Noodles is a pain 

 Nobody needs frequent updates on when RavenclawSeal139 needs to pee

  RavenclawSeal139's emails are giving her indigestion

 Ricky is sad because he doesn't have his Bible

  How2BanIntrovert is refusing to look for Ricky's Bible

  How2BanIntrovert is being disrespectful to Ricky 

 Ricky wants to go to Church to pray for his Bible

 Nobody wants to take Ricky to the Church

 Ricky was depressed so he revealed that he was non-binary

 Silky Noodles is being disrespectful to Ricky

  Cateye992 made a poster for Ricky's lost Bible 

  How2BanIntrovert is more vicious than she appears (sometimes)

  Cateye992's a signpost sentence

  RavenclawSeal139 thinks that an elk is a kind of tree

  RavenclawSeal139 thinks that Fletcher is an elk 

 Newt has a flute 

 Newt has boots 

 Newt has newts

 If Newt had newts, they'd be called Newt's newts and they'd play flutes that belonged to Newt, as well as Newt's newts, which now own flutes

  Cateye992 should not be in charge of naming islands 

 "What if Newt played tennis?" ~ How2BanIntrovert

"What the hell are you doing?! (The greatest mystery of all)" ~ How2BanIntrovert 

 Reeves reads tea leaves 

 Tongue twister battles are fun 


Yeah, we have so much fun, it's amazing.

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