Something that just popped into my head

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You know all those modern songs in different languages. (No, I'm not talking about BTS.)

Like,, Spanish or Portuguese?

My mum's playing all these random songs right now, and I can't help but picture Rio De Janeiro for some reason.

Has anyone watched Fast and Furious: Rio Heist?

I've been meaning to watch it in the lead up to FB3. You know how they have all these epic backing songs where the characters just walk in slow-motion and that's it?

Whenever I listen to songs like that I just imagine Rio, because it's got such a bright, diverse, rich culture. Songs like Limbo by Daddy Yankee or Danza Kudoro really just make me want to see the FB fandom rock up in Brazil even more.

(Even though they're not in Portuguese aahh)

Just listen to one of the songs I mentioned and imagine it-

damn i can't wait for fb3

I wonder if they'll have a street parade? For some reason, I can picture this one scene where Newt and Tina haven't seen each other in ages (maybe one of them left for Brazil and told the other to stay behind), and there's this huge, bright, beautiful street parade going on. Fireworks go off in the distance (I checked- fireworks were invented by then), and suddenly Newt and Tina catch sight of each other from across the crowd. Then there's this gorgeous moment when time slows down completely and all sounds just- disappear. Because one of them realises that the other has come for them and it's beautiful and emotional and cute and- \(O▽O)/

I just came up with this while listening to a bunch of modern Spanish songs XD

I don't even like songs that much!

My point? I have no idea.

I think it's just that music enhances everything and paints a picture in your head. (and I really want a scene where they just walk in slo-motion)

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