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Scarlet's POV

"Goodbye, Charlotte" I mutter as I watch her go six feet under.

All this time I had been trying to distract myself and tell myself that she's not really gone, she's just taking a nap.

But now, I can't do that anymore, lie to myself because it only makes things worst. I haven't been able to cry, I just can't. I don't know how to right now. The tears just won't fall but my heart is aching, I'm losing myself and I just don't know if I'll ever recover.

I just want Charlotte back, that's all I want, why did she have to leave me.
She promised to stay with me forever.

Who do I cry to now?
Who do I talk to now?
Whose gonna be my rock now?

Mrs. Kingsley screams fill my ear and I look at her. She's losing it.

She's officially lost her daughters.
Zara, her first daughter died due to cancer and Charlotte, an accident.

She's left with her sons, Kevin and Justin.
I can't begin to imagine what it feels like to lose a child.
I can't begin to imagine my life without Dior.

I walk over to her give her a hug.
"I know, I know it hurts but you have to be strong, she would've wanted that" I whisper to her.

"Are you okay?. I means she was your sister, how are you ?"

I give her a weak smile" I'm going to be fine and so will you, its going to take time but everything is going to be fine" I assure her and myself.

"Will it though, I watched her grow from a little baby to a grown ass woman, everything was fine. My baby was doing well but she had to die? Why? What did I ever do. I lost my baby girl Zara and I thought that was it but now she gone too"

"We're gonna be alright"

"Hey, how are you holding up?"Damon asks through the phone.

"Honestly, I don't know, it feels worst than I expected. I don't even know how to cry" I confess.

"Its gonna be alright"he says.
"I hope so"
"How's Dior, she was crying but fell asleep while crying"

"Must be hard for her" he comments.
"Yeah, they were best friends"
"She'll be fine at some point"

"Yeah, she will" I agree with him.
"How's Maddison by the way?"

"Maddison ,she's fine" he replies.
"I'm really, sorry I couldn't make it to the funeral" he says.

"Don't,it's not your fault"I tell him.

"Thanks for understanding, I have to go now. Take care of yourself, I mean it"

"I will, thanks"
"Anytime, bye"

Damon's POV

I couldn't make it to Charlotte's funeral, I wasn't in the country.

I had business in Ghana and Maddison came with. I didn't want her to but she insisted.

She said she wanted to "Explore the country".

"Who was that?" She asks as I get off the phone with Scarlet.

"Scarlet" I reply.

"Of course" I hear her mumble.

"Let me guess, her daughter wanted to talk to you again?"she said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm not even going to reply"

"Why not?"

"Maddison, just drop it!"

"No, I will not. Why do you have to talk to her all the time?!" She yells.

"Don't raise your voice at me" I say quietly.

"Or what?"

"What is your problem with Scarlet?" I ask her calmly.

"You! I see the way you look at her and care for her but you don't look at me that way or care about me like that!"

"Scar- I mean Maddison, that crazy!"

"Wow! You almost called her name. Great." She runs her hands through her short black locks.

"Maddison, you need to stop!" I tell her.

"No! You need to stop!"she yells, tears streaming down her face.

"You still love her don't you?"

"Maddison, stop!"

"Don't tell me to fucking stop!"
"Don't you dare tell me to stop!"

I go over to her and pull her into a hug.

"She's my ex, you need to stop over thinking about it. I'm with you because I love you not her" I caress her hair.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I don't love you"I whisper in her ears.

"Do you mean it?"she mumbles in my chest.
"Yes, babe. I really do"

I placed my hand under her chin and raised her face up and gave her a kiss
which she returned with a smile.

"Damon?" She pulled away.
"I want a baby"

Scarlet's POV

"Dior, baby come on wake up"
I tapped her lightly but she didn't response.
"Come on, its time to go to school"

"I don't wanna"She mumbled.
"Why not, you have to"

"Mummy why can't God let daddy come back?"

"What did you say Pebbles?'

"All the kids at school make fun of me because I don't have a daddy" she seats up with tears in her eyes.

"Mummy, I want a daddy!" I she begins to cry and goes under the cover.

"No, baby, don't cry. Please" I beg.

"Your daddy is in heaven with God, that's a good thing baby girl" I tell her.

"I want him here! With me and you. Mummy go and bring him!" She sobs.

"I can't do that, only God can do that,Pebbles. I can't"

"Then I don't wanna go to school, leave me alone!" She screams.

"Dior get up, it time for school"

"I don't wanna!"she yells again.

So help me God, I will kill this child.

"But you have to"

"Leave me alone!!"


Her crying stops and she goes into the bathroom.

"And when your done, you come have your breakfast, you are going to school young lady!"

I know short and I'm sorry. Did you like this chapter.

Do you think Scarlet was to harsh in Dior or not.
Do you think she should tell Damon about Dior yet?

Let me to what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!


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