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Song:Moonlight by Ariana Grande

Scarlet's POV

Its been a week, a whole week since the kiss and I have been avoiding Damon. I leave for classes early so we can't ride together. I hid from him  in school and I ignored all his text and calls. It not been easy but I need to think about everything. Because that night, I discovered one thing, I fucking love him.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, so hid from him. I'm not ready to face him. What do I say?

I was in my apartment with Emily and Molly, having girls night. Kyle and Emily are now a couple.

"So what's going on with you and my brother,we know something's up, don't try to deny it" Emily ask.

I was so shocked to find out that they were siblings, because she's Emily and he's Damon, you know?.

I bent my head and blushed.

Girl what you blushing for?,you black!

"We kinda kissed last week"I said  
"Shut the front door!"
"No way"

Yes way, girl. We kissed and it was magical.

"So, have you guys talked about it?"
I shook my head.
Molly opened her mouth to speak but a knock on the door hushed her.

"I'll get it" she volunteered. We were in my room.

"Scarlet?this is for you"she said coming back to the room with a smile.

I got up and I found Damon waiting for me, with his hands deep in his pockets. He black locks fell on his face and his green eyes bored into my brown orbs.

"Hi" I said silently.
"You're avoiding me" he replied.
"No I'm not" I avoided his eyes.
"Look, you don't have to be all weird about the kiss"
"I ain't weird about nothing" I replied.
He chuckled, "I like it when you do that"
"Do what?"
"Go all black on me, its sexy"

Sexy? Boy you got problems.

"Thank you" I giggled.
Stupid girl

He came closer and held my hands.
"I don't know how to say this but I love you Scarlet, I don't know how or when but I do and it feels amazing. I love you like a lot and I can't go a day without thinking of you, you in my mind every fucking time and I just had to tell you because I can't keep it to myself any longer."he sighed breathlessly.

I was just smiling and my heart was doing  cartwheels. I couldn't believe my ears, he loves me.

Scarlet Amalah Walter?
Oh my fucking god!!!!

"Pebbles? Are you there?"
I nodded and I tipped toe to kiss him. He welcomed me immediately, holding my waist. It was perfect, he loves me.

Could life get any better.

We pulled away both smiling.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Kill me now!
I'm kidding

I gave a nod, not trusting myself to speak. He smiled and smashed his lips on mine.

Its been two weeks since we started dating and its been heaven on earth.
Damon was taking me on a date by two am. Yes, I have a crazy boyfriend.

Boyfriend, such a beautiful a word.

I wore a pair of jeans and a hoodie, winter is almost here, so its really chilly outside.

I heard him knocking on the door and I hurried to open.
He wore sweat pants and a blue hoodie. His face lit up when we made eye contact.

He kissed my cheek.
"You ready" he asks and I nod.
I locked the door and we head out.

"Where are going to?" I ask again for the millionth time. "Shh Pebbles,its a really special place, just know that"
"Alright, I'll have to wait then"

We finally arrive at the middle of nowhere. He gets down begins to walk. You see asking Damon to be a gentleman is a waste of time.

I get down and quickly follow him." Are you going to kill me?" I asked.
"Yes, Pebbles"he chuckled.

We walked for a little while and then we stopped and I saw a beautiful waterfall. The view was breath taking as the moonlight shone on the lake and water fall.

"Do you like it?"he asked scratching the back of his neck.

I shook my head, I don't like it.
"Shit!"he said.
"I love it" relief washed over his features.
"Don't you ever do that to me again" he chuckled kissing me.

I have no words for this chapter. I hate it!! I hate it!! I hate it!!!!! How do y'all feeling finding out about Emily and Damon???.
Like I said I hate this chapter, I just needed a filler so there you have it! Vote and comment pls. Mag!c#🖤

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