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(Scarlet's Daughter)

Scarlet's POV

"Come in" I said to the person behind the door as I grabbed my bag, ready to leave the office.

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to grab dinner sometime"Steve  said. He is my coworker whose been trying to take me out on a date since

"I don't have time" I said with a frown.
"Please, just one date"
" I have to get  my daughter from school, I don't have time to talk."

His head hung low as he left.

I got into my car and drove to my baby, Dior's school.

After I found I was pregnant with Dior, I went to my family and they helped me a lot and of course Charlotte. I got my degree online and after I was able to stand on my own I moved to New York where I worked in a law firm. Its been eight years since then.

I never told Damon about the baby because to me he didn't deserve to know which is part of the reason I moved, to make sure I never have to face the risk of seeing him or him finding out about her.

I got to her school and picked her up.
"How was school today Pebbles?"

Yes, I call her Pebbles. Its something that just kinda happened.

"Its was fun,mommy"I smiled at her. She had his smile and attitude.

I realized that she would always be a constant reminder of him, that he was once in the life, that we had something and I was OK with that.

We had an appointment at with the dentist because Dior had a toothache.

As I drove to the dentist, I would occasionally turn to see if she was OK.
Being a mother changed me, I became more careful of the choice that I make.

"Alright Pebbles, Its to see time doctor, you ready?"
"Super ready!"
"Good girl!"

"Hi, I have an appointment with doctor Parker" I said to the receptionist.
"Yes, he's ready for you"
"Thank you"

We finished with the dentist and went back home.

I got Dior out of her school uniform and into a pink dress,she had lunch and soon fell asleep, giving me some me time

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I got Dior out of her school uniform and into a pink dress,she had lunch and soon fell asleep, giving me some me time.

I grabbed my laptop and began going through some files from an ongoing case when my phone rang.


"Sup bitch!"
"I'm good, just having a me time".
"By me time you mean working right?".
"This is why your my best friend!"
"I'll be in town tomorrow and you are picking me up"she ordered
"Yes ma'am"I chuckled.
"So is there any body?"
I rolled my eyes, since my break up with Damon, Charlotte's been trying to get me to date again but I don't entertain anyone.

"You know I don't have time for that, its work and Dior nothing more"
"I know, just trying my luck, I'll leave you to get back to work now"


"Thank you" I said to the barista as I took my espresso coffee and went out the door.

I nodded as I made my way to my office in acknowledgment of the greetings that came my way.
Most of the people, I didn't know. I kept to myself and only spoke to anyone if I had to and it was always professional and nothing more.

I got to my office ready to begin my day when I got a call from Ruby.

"How's my sister doing?"
"I'm doing good, aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Ugh! I hate you so much. No but seriously, I want to come visit I'm so tired of school".
"Whose stopping you? Dior asks of you quite often so she would love to have you"
"Oh my little sunshine, how is she?"

"She's doing fine. Its getting harder to take care of all by myself but I'll manage"

"Don't you think you should get a nanny?"
"I've thought about but I don't trust anybody not anymore so no."

"If you say so. I've got to go now  I'm late for my class bye, love you"
"Love you too,have a great day"
"You too".

After about two hours, I left the office and I was back home.

I saw Dior standing at the door with her big hair.
She looked like me, but she had taken a great portion of his traits.

"What's wrong Pebbles?"
She was hopped on the bed and laid beside me.
I smiled, she was like that sometimes, wanting to be with be and most times it got in the way of work.

I guess our bond too strong and that  was very good.

"Mommy, there's a sleepover at Cassie's house, can I go pretty please"

"Do you really want to go?" I teased.
"Yes mommy!"
"Do you?" I chuckled as I began to tickle her. She laughter filled the house.
She got out of the grip and ran out of the room, giggling.

"You can't catch me mommy!"she  giggled.
"I'm coming for you!"I roared playfully going after her.

Her giggling and laughter was no more,she was hiding.

I went to the only place I knew she would be, the kitchen.
She would always hide in the  cupboards.

But she wasn't there, I heard her not so quiet giggling from the laundry room. She was hiding behind the door. Of course I pretended not to her and acted like I was leaving but she was to eager to be found.

"Mommy!I'm here!"she giggled softly revealing herself to me.
"Gotcha!"I laughed.

"Alright Pebbles, time to go pick aunty Charlotte from the airport.

"There's my favorite bitch!"my best friend chuckled as we hugged.
"Language!"I scolded pointing to Dior.
"She gon say it one day!" She argued.
"And look!Dior is so grown now"
She wrapped Dior in a hug.
"Mommy, what a bitch?"Dior asked curiously with her head bent to the side.
"A bitch is a female dog,Pebbles"

"See what you did?!"I said to Char who just chuckled in reply.

By the time we got back home, Dior was already asleep. Which made it ten times harder to bath her and put her in her nightwear.

Charlotte was already asleep, she was really tired from the flight, I guess.

I took a bath and went to bed.

That's it, a new beginning. She's moved and she's doing well. I'm so happy for her.

Eliana Morgan as Dior. I was just scrolling through Instagram and I saw her and I knew, she was the one.

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