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Scarlet's POV

After my ordeal with Damon, I was mess for the rest of the day.
I couldn't even get anything done,my head was messed up so I got if work early and went home. Sara was back so she would get Dior from school.

Charlotte had gotten her own place here in New York.

Why didn't you let him talk??

Because I don't want to listen to his lies

Maybe he wasn't going to lie. For everything that happens, there's a reason.

Yeah, I know that but I don't want to hear his reason.

Don't you want to know why he did it??

I already know why.

Are you sure, that's the reason you made up in your head.

I don't care

Its not fair, your lying to the people you love the most.

What do you mean??

You weren't raped and Dior's dad isn't in heaven. Why don't you just tell the truth?!

Because its best that they don't know the truth. Its best for everyone.

For everyone or you? You know what it feels like growing up without a father, do you really want Dior to face that too?

Can you please stop making me feel guilty?!.

I'm not, you know that this isn't right.

I don't care, this is my life and my daughter.

She's also his, you didn't fuck yourself did you??

Just leave me alone.

If I could I would, you can be so annoying sometimes.

Just go away!!


"How could you lie to me, all these years!"Dior screamed in my face.

"I was trying to protect you, I didn't mean to hurt you"I said tears in my eyes.

"You said my father was dead without hesitating. How could you!"

"I'm sorry, I was trying to do the best"

"Best???!!. I don't know who you are anymore"she said crying.

"I'm your mother"

"No, I don't know who you are, you aren't my mother!!" She said and stormed out the door.

I woke up from my nightmare with tears.

That's what gonna happen when you she finds out.

Can you shut up!. She won't find out!.

Are you sure. Aren't you scared to lose your baby, cause in the dream which might become reality, she left you

That's a dream, it won't be reality.

Why are you so stubborn?!

Can you just shut up?!

OK, I will.



I got around to giving the voice in my head a name, Nia.

Nia and I aren't on speaking terms right now.

I tried not to think of the dream I had last night, nothing like that is gonna happen.

"Miss, there's someone here to see you" Sasha said as she walked through the door.

"I don't have any meeting till noon, who is it?"

"She said she's an old friend, from college"

"Uhh, OK let her in"

The door opened and Emily's face emerged.

"Is it really you?"
"Hi, Scarlet"she said with a smile.

I got from my chair and gave her a hug.

"Oh my goodness, look at you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh stop, you look way better"she chuckled.

"What can I say" I shrugged.

"You just disappeared, we all thought something bad had happened to you"

"I'm sorry about that, have a seat!"

"So, how have you been?" She asked with a bright smile.

"I've been really good" I said.
"I can see that, in case you're wondering,  I got your address from Damon"

Of course.

"OK, that's cool...." I said trying not to think about him.

"I came to invite you to my wedding"she said giving me a beautiful yet simple invitation card.

"Oh. My. God"
"Whose the lucky guy?!"

"His name is Bryan"

"I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks" she chuckled.

"I'm have to go now, I'm meeting with the wedding planner, tell Charlotte she's invited too".

"OK, bye. Congrats".

"She's getting married!" Charlotte  said in shock.

"Yeah and we're invited"
"When's the wedding?"
"Next month"
"That means you gon' see Damon there"

What?, no I'm not

"No I'm not"
"Yeah, you are. Bitch, they are siblings"

"I can't go!" I said running my hair through my black curls.

"Why not!"she asked like it wasn't already obvious.
"His gonna be there!"
"So, who cares!"

"I care, me, I do"
"So,are you going to keep doing this?"
"I don't know! I just....."

"OK, listen you are gonna go to that wedding and not even look at him. His doesn't matter, all that matters is you and your baby"

"Yeah, you're right. I don't need him!"

"Yeah, you don't"

"We are going to that wedding"

I don't have any words I fucking hate this chapter, I wrote it while trying to get through writers block, I've been getting a lot of those lately. It sucks, anyways that's it for this shitty chapter.

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