Pain and Joy

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Scarlet's POV

It felt  like I was being stabbed to death when the doctor told me mum didn't make it, she lost too much blood and there was nothing he could've done.

She was just minding her own business, coming back from work when the stray bullet hit her. Why now? Now that everything is working out for us?

The house felt empty, I had to get used to it now that she was gone. I sat on the floor and cried a whole lot, my heart was torn into pieces. What was the whole point of living now? I cried myself to sleep with a heavy heart.
The next morning, I got ready for work. I work at a small cafe since I can't afford to go to school.
I wore a black dress and flats.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" My coworker and friend Charlotte asked me as soon as I walked in.
I didn't reply, I just began to unstack the chairs.

"Scarlet, you OK?" She asked, walking towards me.
I shook my head and began to cry. I told her what happened and we cried together. Charlotte is my one and only friend, she's my best friend.   My mom was just like  mother to her. Whenever she came over, the three of us always had the best time together.

"OK, let's get to work" I said after a good round of crying. After few hours, I was back at home crying again. I had no one to go to. I know none of mom's relatives and its just been mom and I since the day dad left home and never came back.

That day, she cried a lot but she didn't want me to know but I knew that she was broken.  Dad was the love of her life. She ran away from home to be with him because her family didn't  support their marriage. She told me something that day, she said" NEVER TRUST ANYONE BUT YOURSELF.

I learnt that lesson at a very young age. I was five when she told me this and I have never forgotten it.  She put her trust in dad and he let her down,so bad and seeing my mom like that made realize that I don't want that for my self. I don't want to feel such horrible pain, ever.

The next three weeks were just the same routine everyday. Wake up, cry, go to work, come home, cry,sleep and repeat.

One day I came home from work and found an envelope at the door. I grabbed it and got inside. I tossed and on the table and went to change my clothes. I wasn't eager to find out what was in the envelope, nothing interested me anymore, I had already lost the will to live and what not.

It took me an hour before I finally got around to opening it. I opened and it was a letter of admission to college. A month ago, I wrote a scholarship exam and I forgot about it but the letter said I got the scholarship. I was dumbfounded, I couldn't believe it. I had to go to the college the next day sort everything out. I wished mom was there, she always wanted me to go to school  and its just sad that she isn't here. I didn't realize that I was crying until a tear fell on the paper.  I quickly wiped the tears and went to pick an outfit for tomorrow.

I choose a black pencil skirt and a red long sleeve shirt and my black heels. I was so happy that I got the scholarship, it meant a lot to me.

I woke up early for the big day. I took a nice bath and washed my hair five times so its really clean. I had a quick breakfast and got dressed. There was a car waiting to pick me up, courtesy of the dean.

When I got down,the driver took me to the administration office.
The receptionist smiled at me once I walked in."Scarlet?" She asked and I nodded. "Have a  seat dear, the dean will see you soon" I thanked her and took a seat.

Shortly after that, I went in to see the dean. He was blonde with gray eyes. "Ah, Miss Walter"he smiled at me.
I smiled back.
"We are very happy to have you here. You get an apartment close to campus for just you, its already furnished all you need to do is go grab your things and move in, the driver will take you, here are the keys" he said giving me the keys.

"Thank you so much sir" I said
"You deserve it"he chuckled.

On my back to grab my things, I stopped by the cafe and said goodbye to Charlotte.  We hugged and she wished me luck.
"Promise you'll me and tell me everything that happens"she cried.
"I promise. Take care"

I got home and packed my things and as I was doing that, I  remembered mom and began to cry. I sat on the bed and cried for a while and  as I made my way to the door, I took one of her pictures on the wall and left.

I got to the room and I was amazed. It was beautiful, it had a properly furnished kitchen with utensils and stuff. A simple design for the bedroom and a nice sitting room,  at one end of the sitting room, a reading table stood there, odd place to a reading table but its OK nonetheless.

I unpacked my things and moved to the kitchen, I made pasta for lunch and decided to watch some TV. After an hour, there was a knock on the door. A  blonde pretty girl with gray eyes stood at the door.

"Hi, what can I help you with?"I asked.
"I'm really sorry to bother you but do you know where I could grab something to eat, I'm new" she said with a British accent.

"Nope, I'm also new but I have some pasta if you wouldn't mind taking it" I said.

"Really? Are you sure?" she asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, come in, I'll go heat it up"

She came in and I offered her a seat and a glass of water.
"Wow, your parents must really want you to be comfortable" she said looking around.

I chuckled"I won a scholarship that's why I have this, my parents didn't do anything"

"Wow that great, your parents must be so proud of you"

I smiled and went into the kitchen. I served her the pasta with cold orange juice. She was really grateful.

"I'm Emily by the way" she said
" I love your hair, its so curly" she smiled

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Ummm my friends and I are going for a party tomorrow before school begins, would you like to join us?" She asked taking a sip of her juice.

"I'll think about it, if that's fine?"
"No, totally take your time"
In the end I decided to go to the party with Emily and her friends.

Hi, I hope y'all like the first chapter. I really spent time working on this book I really hope you enjoy it. Don't to vote and comment, I really want to know what you think. Mag!c# 🖤

Scarlet Red ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant