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Scarlet's outfit for the party

Damon's POV

Christmas is in two weeks and Pebbles and I were shopping for decorations because she wants to. I'm only here because of her. I hate Christmas, so much. It brings back memories that I don't want to think about.

"Are you done, Pebbles?" She gave me a nod and I grabbed the items she picked and took them to the counter.

We got every thing I loaded it in the trunk of the car.
"Let's grabbed lunch,what do you say?"
She smiled and a comfortable silence fell.
I occasionally stole glances at her. She was beautiful, to beautiful.

Her  thick black curls  sat on her shoulder, her smile could light a room,hell it lights up my world. I'm so glad that she's mine.

"I can feel you staring" she said looking at me.
"Can't I admire how flawless you are and guess the best part?"
"What?" Her eyes widen in curiosity.
"You all mine".

"I'll have a cheese burger and large coke and she'll have same but with medium Sprite"I told the waiter who was eyeing Pebbles.

"Oh and get your eyes of my girl,before I cut your throat!"I said with a tight face.

He got scared and scrambled out in fear.
"You scared him"she said smiling.
"That was  the plan"I  said.

"So Emily's your sister huh?"she said placing her arms on the table.

"Yeah, half sister"I replied said staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

I can't even begin to comprehend how she's mine. I mean at first I thought she was the most annoying person ever to have ever been born but now she's practically my world. Her laugh was contagious as fuck. Her killer smile, everything about her made me insane.

Damn, you got it bad

Yes, I do, I've got it pretty bad.

"Damon!" I snapped out of my trance.
"The food is here, what the hell are you thinking about" Scarlet asked taking a sip of her Sprite.

"Nothing important" I shook my head.
"You know that you can tell me anything " she said with a straight face.
"Yes Pebbles, I do and it's not important"
She mumbled an OK and continued to eat.

We spent   two hours talking and laughing in the restaurant and people were beginning of stare at us. I was so happy to have her and to be able to call her mine.

After what happened with Jane, I didn't think I would find anyone that would capture my heart like she did but there I was sitting across an angel, I don't know how she did it but Scarlet had me wrapped around her finger.

"Damon, Emily asked me if we would come to a party, the guys are gonna be there"

"Do you want to go?"I asked.
"Where is the party?"
"Oh!"she said grabbing."Here"she said handing me her phone. Emily texted her address.
"We better get going, we have just thirty minutes before it starts"I said getting.
"Yeah"she said following my lead.

Scarlet's POV

We got the party with Damon holding  me real tight. It funny we first met at a party and he ignored me through out the party.

"Are you okay?"he said looking at me with concern.
"I'm fine,Damon let's just go in and have a good time"I chuckled.
"Who are you and what have you done with my Pebbles?"he said shocked cause of my statement.

"Shut up!"I shoved him and dragged him inside the house.
He snaked his arms around my waist which didn't fail to electrocute me and we walked in together.

"Take a seat on the couch, I'll go grab us a drink" He said and gave me a quick kiss before disappearing.

I took a seat on the couch and texted Emily that we had arrived.

"Here you go"Damon said gave me a bottle of sprite cause I don't drink.
He took a seat beside me placing his hand over my shoulder.
Emily and the rest of the guys came to meet us up.

"What's up lovebirds?"Molly said winking at me.
"Guys, my live is over!"Emily said with a frown.
"Why, what happened?" I said
"My economics professor is making my life a living hell"

"She has a paper due Monday and she doesn't know how to start, she met the professor and she shut her out"Molly said taking a sip of her vodka.

"Don't worry, I'll help you out maybe on Sunday?"I offered.

"Really? Yes and yes again!"she said with a smile.
I chuckled.

"Let's get out of here"Damon whispered in my ears.
"No, I want to spent time with the guys"I giggled
"But I'd  rather spend time with you Pebbles"he whispered.
"Stop!its ticklish"I giggled.

"You two are cute"Emily cooed.
"Yeah and it sickens me"Molly said sticking out her tongue at us.

"Yeah,well we are going to go now"Damon took my hand and stood up.
"C'mon Pebbles let's go"
I got up with a confused expression.

"Excuse you!"I said as soon as we were far from the group.
"I told you I didn't want to go"I said crossing my arms.
"Yeah but I really wanted to leave"
"And what I want doesn't matter?"
He sighed"C'mon Pebbles"he said  holding my waist. His tall figure  towering over my short figure.

"I'm sorry Pebbles I didn't mean to make angry. We can go back of you want"
"Why can't stay I  mad at you?"I chuckled wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Because you love me"he said in a duh tone. He came closer and his lips covered mine.

We got to my apartment and just as soon as we got in, he began to devour me. I say that because it wasn't the usual gentle, loving kiss we always share.

I pulled away when I got the chance to."Damon! Baby"
"What's up?"
"I just love you so much"he said placing kisses on my neck. I flattened my hands on his chest trying to push him away but to avail.

He continued with the kisses and good and damn it felt good.
My entire body was on fire, I was burning up.

Oh.my.gosh, this felt so right yet so wrong.

We both fell on the couch and he was on top of me. I knew where this was going and I didn't want it to go that far.
I promised mom and myself that I was going to stay a virgin until marriage and I didn't want to break that promise.

I know I sound so old fashioned because even sixteen years old are losing it but I just want to keep that promise especially now that she's late.

His hands travelled to the hem of my dress and I stopped him my holding his hand.
"What's the problem, Pebbles?"
"I can't"I said sitting up and and he got off me.

"I promised mom I would stay a virgin til marriage"I said in a whisper.
He runs his hands through his black locks and looks at me.

A deafening silence fell.

"Oh, ummm, I get it"he said as his ran his hand through his hair again.

"I'm sorry"I say quietly.
"Nah, its fine. Goodnight Pebbles".

Did you feel the tension??
What do you about Scarlet's decision to keep the v-card??.
I think that's great let me know what you think. Don't forget to vote and comment. Mag!c#🖤

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