New Life

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Damon's POV

If was a Sunday, I was in bed with Maddison. She was on my phone, doing heaven knows what and I was watching TV.

"What's this?"
"What's what"I turned and a picture of Scarlet and I, kissing from college.

Shit,why didn't you delete it.

Cause I didn't want to.

"I can explain"
"Go on!"she said pissed off.

"Scarlet and I were a couple in college, we dated, didn't work out"

"So why do you still have this photo?"
"I just forget to delete it" I shrugged.

"Did you forget or you didn't want to?"

"Maddie, baby c'mon why would I want to keep it?"

Because you still love her?

"How am I supposed to know that?!"

"OK, I'm sorry. That's the past can we let it go?"
She didn't reply. She moved closer to her.

"I'm sorry, can you forgive me?"
"Yeah"she sighed in defeat.
"I forgive you Damon"

"Your the best"
I say kissing her and she smiled into the kiss. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulled me closer.

Maddison was in the kitchen making lunch and I was in the room, doing nothing.

I would've gone to help out but she likes cooking alone so I stayed in bed.

"I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you"
"I love you more and I do want to spend the rest of my life with you."
I smiled at her as I placed my lips over hers . She giggled into the kiss and pulled me closer.

"What are you thinking about?" Maddison walked into the room.

"You" I smiled.
"Really?" She blushed.
"The food is ready"she says.
"What did you make?"
"Curried Chicken salad"

"But I wanted peanut butter and chocolate chip pancakes"I complained.

"Damon, baby that's for kids. Where did you even hear that?"


"From Kyle, he was making it for Mason".

Yes, Kyle is a father now and also a husband. The kid I went to pick up the day I saw Scarlet is his, Mason.

"Its for kids, so you can't have it" she concluded.

"Are you sure?"I asked with a playful smile.
"Yes, Damon"she said.
"Are you really sure?"I move closer to her and grab her waist from the back.

"Damon, don't even try it"
I carefully place kisses from shoulder to her neck and face.

I do it slowly and she's already on fire.

"Hmm?"I place a kiss behind her ear and I hold on to it.

"You need to....."
"I need to what?"
"The food is getting cold"

"Doesn't matter"

Just then my phone rang and she immediately grabbed it.

"No, I'm Maddison his girlfriend who is this?"
"Oh Scarlet,hold on"

She gave me the phone with a frown and walked out.

"Hey, what's up?"
"Hi,I was calling because Dior wants to speak you with you"
"I thought she hates me" I asked babbled.
"That's how she is with new people"

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