The Way

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Scarlet's POV

The holiday was coming to end and I was trying to read since Damon was out. I needed to catch up on some school work. For first thirty minutes everything was fine until I got thirsty  and went to the kitchen to get water. I grabbed the bottle from the fridge but you see I'm not a tall person, getting the glass was a problem.

I reached higher and grabbed the glass but I fell  down and the glass fell from my hand breaking into pieces as well as giving me a cut.

"Pebbles?" Damon was back.
"In the kitchen"
He saw me in the floor and horror filled his eyes.
"What happened?"
I explained to him and  he tried to raise me up put I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

"Fuck it!" He mumbled and took my bridal style to the living room and placed my carefully on the couch.
He ran to the room and was back with a first aid kit. After treating my cut,he places a kiss on my forehead.

"I was gone for thirty minutes and the did this to yourself"he said, chuckling.
"Well it's not my fault!" I defended.
"That you're short"
"No!, you fool!" I snapped with wide eyes.
"I am not short OK,I am fun sized. Besides good things come in small packages" I fought back.
"Not all the time though"
"Fuck you" I rolled my eyes.
"Gladly,I'm ready anytime,any day" he said giving me a kiss.

I smiled into the kiss and somehow my hands in feeling his ever soft hair. There was something about him that made me feel so different, I loved it so much, the way  his touch felt. He slipped his tongue in and he began to explore my mouth. He wanted me and I wanted him but I couldn't have him, not yet. I pulled away with a smile.

"You're going to kill me one of these day"he sighed.
"You can't do that to me and not let me fuck you, its not fair"he pouted.
I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
I tried getting up but it was no use my ankle was too bad.
" We need to see  a doctor"Damon said.
He took my bridal style to the room and we picked an outfit and went to the hospital.

The doctor said my ankle would take a week or two to heal and I needed to let it rest. Which meant no school for me until my ankle gets better.

I was given crutches and the time being and it sucked  because Damon was treating me like a baby.

"You know its my leg that not functioning right?"I asked when he tried to feed me that night.

"OK fine, here you go"he said give me the plate of Mac and Cheese. I mumbled a thank you and had my dinner.

He help me get to the shower but of course I did the rest by myself.
I got dressed and went to bed. I was really tired and just wanted to hug my bed.

Damon's POV

"Dad's been asking me why you haven't been coming home since Christmas"  Emily said to me. We were both going home together, I needed to grab a few of my things. I planned to go back home after Christmas but when Pebbles hurt her ankle I had to stay back.

"Yeah, well tell him its none of his business" I said with out any emotion.
"You two can never get along" she sighed.

You have your mama to thank for that.

"Look just be careful, if he finds out about Scarlet then..."
"I know!what he will do you just don't say it" I snapped before she could complete her sentence.

"I never thought I would see you with someone else after Jane" she smiled
"Well you thought wrong" I replied.
"Does she know?"
"Does who know?"
"Does Scarlet know about Jane, dad or anything like that" She asked, sounding serious.
"No! Of course she doesn't"
" I think she should know, just to be safe"
"What you don't know  can't harm you" I argued
"You and I both know that doesn't count when Grey Kings is involved"

I sighed, she was right but there was still no way that I would tell Scarlet and that was that.

"Welcome home son!" My stupid father said with a fake smile when his eyes landed on me.
I ignored me him and went straight to room.
"Hi daddy" I rolled my eyes as I Emily heard sounding so happy to see him.

I grabbed a bag and started tossing some clothes from my closet to the bed.
"I don't know where the fuck you think you going but boy we have a mission and you are going nowhere"I heard my father say behind me.

I started folding my clothes into my bag, ignoring him.
"Act like you can't see me but remember I  know where your mother is and I can't always get her back here"he threatened and left.

I threw the jeans in my hand on the wall out of anger.

I hate you so much.

I was supposed to go back to Pebbles. I called her and she picked almost immediately.

"Hey"I could hear  her smile.
"I can't come back tonight, are you going to be OK?"
"Yeah, I guess but is there a problem?"she asked, concern.
"Yeah, no. No problem just have something Dad needs my help with"
"OK, then that's fine"
"Take care, gotta go"
I hung up and sighed. There's no way she's going to be  OK all alone.

I quickly go downstairs and found Emily on her phone.
"Hey! Emily come up" I whispered
She looked puzzled but came nonetheless.
She enter my room and I looked around for any sign of dad.
I locked the door when I was sure there was no one.

"Why are locking the door" she asked confused.
"I need you to do me a favor" I said
"What is it?" She  asked impatiently.
"Could you go over to Scarlet's just for tonight?"
"Why, is she sick?"
"Not really, she sprained her ankle and I need to know she'll be fine while I'm gone"
She smiled broadly.
"Look at you caring for her"she joked.
"Will you go,please?"I rolled my eyes at her.
"Hey don't roll your eyes at me,I could just say no"
"OK fine I'm sorry, will you?"
"Yeah,I'll do it. You don't have to worry about her lover boy"she chuckled.
"Thank you"I sighed in relief. I unlocked the door and she left.

Mr. Kings is a bitch don't you think?? What do you think of this chapter?? Don't forget to vote and comment. Mag!c# 🖤

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