Chapter 17 - I Need You

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I pried my eyes open and rolled over in bed, my chest pressed against the soft mattress. I ran my hand over my face that was warm to the touch, no doubt from the golden rays shining through the window.

Wait. Where am I? Vic's. I'm still at Vic's. But where was he? I tried to remember the night before. I remembered laying on his bed for almost an hour, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom.

He never did. Or at least, I wasn't awake to see that he did. I must've fallen asleep and he must've left before I could wake up.

I climbed off the bed and checked my phone. No messages. I grabbed my backpack that was sitting on Vic's desk chair and left the room. I felt weird being in Vic's house without him. I hurried down the stairs and was headed towards the door when Mike appeared around the corner.

"Hey Kellin! Breakfast? Well I guess technically lunch." Mike smiled, gesturing towards the stack of cereal boxes on the kitchen counter.

"Uh, sure. Thanks." I answered, sliding into a chair. Mike started pouring me a bowl, pushing it towards me once he added the milk.

"Do you know where Vic is?" I asked, swirling my spoon around.

Mike nodded, "Yeah, my Dad needed his help unloading an early delivery."

"Oh okay. I fell asleep pretty early last night and don't remember him even coming back into the room." I brought the spoon to my mouth and munched on the sugary cereal.

Mike laughed, "Typical Vic. He always takes the longest showers. It was always so annoying, I'd have to wait for him every morning before school since he was my ride."

Normally, I'd probably believe the innocence and simplicity of this personality trait. But after our conversation, and Vic's obvious distaste in the subject, part of me wasn't entirely convinced. Did he even come back into the room at all?

Maybe he left and slept somewhere else. He probably didn't want to be around me now. He was avoiding me. I don't blame him.

I bit my tongue, knowing I shouldn't be saying this. But clearly letting my stupidity take over as I looked up at Mike.

"Do you know who this guy named Tyler is? He went to your school."

Mike looked confused, "Tyler Joseph? Yeah he's a grade under me. He's just a quiet kid, why're you asking about him?"

"It's just something Oli Sykes said to me yesterday."

Mike stood up from his seat across from me abruptly. He walked over to the counter and let his empty bowl drop into the sink with a loud clatter.

"Oli Skyes is a disgusting excuse for a human being." Mike seethed.

I had never seen Mike so angry. The entire time I've known him he's been a happy ball of energy. I've never seen him speak with such distaste. I've never seen this look of pure rage on his face.

"What did he do?" I spoke quietly, not wanting to make him even more upset.

Mike looked down at the ground, staring at it like he was deciding how to answer my question. He finally looked up at me and took off his hat so he could run his hand through his hair.

"He made Vic his best friend during the first half of his senior year. I don't know how he did it." Mike added quickly at the end.

This left me utterly confused, "But Vic hates him now. Why would they ever be friends?"

"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what Oli did to him, but Vic followed him around like a goddamn puppy dog while Oli terrorized everyone." Mike didn't meet my eyes this time as he spoke.

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