Chapter 12 - You Sound Like Heaven

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Watching Vic and the guys perform together was something I had never seen before. The energy they had radiated off them as they jumped around was infectious. You could tell that they were having the time of their lives up there and I didn't want it to end.

Jaime was like a fireball with his bass, even though it was just myself, Alex, and Jack in the room, Jaime made it seem like there were hundreds of people there. He knew how to command a crowd.

Mike's drumming was impeccable. His fast movements created a booming sensation that filled my ears and chest.

Tony's expert guitar playing rounded out the bands sound, his riffs pulling everything together.

Vic's voice was honey. It was as if he sang in cursive. The melodies and runs slipping off his tongue were effortless. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

His arms flexed as he gripped the microphone to sing the last verse. His guitar hanging from the strap, leaning against his hips.

"I'm losing a perfect thing, a perfect thing, a perfect thing."

The song finished and Vic opened his eyes, letting his hands drop from the mic as he looked right at me.

Myself, Alex, and Jack erupted in a round of applause as the guys started setting their instruments down, smiling.

"Dude! That shit went SO HARD!" Jack beamed as he high fived Tony.

"Seriously! You guys are going places!" Alex chimed in from his place on the corner of the couch.

Vic walked right over to me, cocking his head to the side as he sipped his beer. He stood so close to me as he leaned against the side of the couch.

"So? What did you think?" Vic asked.

"You guys sound amazing. It was heavy and beautiful all at the same time. Your voice is... indescribable" I answered, looking up at him as I was seated on the couch.

"Indescribable, huh? Most people think I sound like a girl." Vic rolled his eyes.

"You? Oh boy, you haven't heard anything yet. Hold my beer." I said, thrusting my beer bottle against Vic's chest as I made my way to the microphone.

Vic stared at me with a dreamy expression on his face, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"What're you doing?" Vic asked, chuckling a bit.

"People have told me that I sound like a girl my entire life. Trust me, after you hear this, you won't think you sound like a girl anymore." I laughed as I adjusted the mic stand.

I knew I had some instrumentals on my phone from when I recorded my college application album. I walked over to the receiver and plugged my phone into the speakers. I returned to my place in front of the microphone and spoke into it, the feedback screeching a bit.

"This song is called Let Love Bleed Red." I spoke softly as the acoustics started and I began to sing.

I kept my eyes closed during most of the song. I wasn't confident singing in front of anyone, but I knew I had to get better at it with college starting at the end of summer. I felt comfortable around Vic and the guys. They didn't make me feel pressured to pretend to be someone I wasn't, a constant problem back home.

Towards the end of the song I felt myself perk up a bit after Vic hollered "Go Kellin!" during my big high note as I sang "Things will be alright...everything will be alright."

I felt myself starting to laugh but held it together as I finished the song, looking straight into Vic's eyes as I sung the last few words. Vic kept his eyes locked on mine, a small grin forming on his lips as his one little tooth showed. God I couldn't handle that smile.

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