Chapter 9 - Pink Roses

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When I woke up I felt cold. My hands felt around the mattress and I took note that I still had my blanket on; so why did I feel cold?

I picked my head up off the pillow and glanced across the room. Vic wasn't in his bed, nor was he in mine.

He must've gotten up and left my bed sometime in the early hours of the morning. Warm golden light was pouring through an open window, indicating it had to be mid afternoon.

Suddenly the bathroom door swung open, thick steam rolled out and filled the room.

Vic emerged following the steam. He was wearing tight dark blue skinny jeans and nothing else.

"Oh hey, morning." He said.

"Mhm, morning." I replied, pretending to rub my eyes so it wouldn't be too obvious that I was completely staring.

I watched Vic throw on one of his signature short sleeved, button up shirts. This one was light pink and had little red lobsters all over it. I felt myself smile, thinking that Vic looked insanely hot in pink.

"Did you sleep alright?" Vic asked.

"Yeah, definitely. Thanks for showing me this room otherwise, I probably would've slept on the floor." I replied, sitting up in the bed.

"It was no big deal. There's no way I would've let you sleep on the floor." Vic said nonchalantly.

I smiled to myself at Vic's comment. I was a little nervous waking up today. The way Vic had acted towards me last night was something I had never expected. I didn't know how he was going to act today. He was so unpredictable. I was half expecting him to pretend like nothing happened and deny everything he had said to me. Maybe it was because he had been drinking and didn't remember.

"Speaking of sleep... how did you sleep?" I asked, peeling off my shirt that was matted in sweat.

I watched Vic's gaze flick towards me. He quickly turned back around to face a long stand-up mirror, continuing to button up his shirt.

"What do you mean?" Vic asked aloofly.

"Uh... you came and slept in the bed with me." I said softly.

"Oh, that. Yeah I slept fine." Vic shrugged.

"So you do remember asking to come into my bed?" I asked, a little more confidently now.

"Mhm. You hog the bed by the way, did you know that?" Vic answered. He spun around in the mirror and shot me a grin.

"I do not hog the bed." I rolled my eyes.

"You totally do. I was practically falling off the bed the entire night." Vic shot back cheekily.

"Alright well at least I don't snore, like you do." I snapped back.

"Oooh Kellin is feisty the morning after a party, noted." Vic grinned, his eyes darkening just a bit.

"Me? Feisty? I'm not the one who took a body shot off another guy. Or danced with another guy." I heard myself say.

I hated to admit it but Vic was right. I was feeling more confident than usual this morning and even though I absolutely loved every second of last night, part of me still didn't believe that Vic would do any of those things sober.

"Whoa! I never would've expected such judgmental words coming from your mouth, Kellin." Vic giggled as he slid his feet into his Vans.

"Wait, you weren't drunk last night?" I arched my eyebrow.

"Nope." Vic shook his head.

"But why did you act like you were?" I questioned.

Vic sighed as he rubbed his face. I watched his expression, he looked exhausted and confused.

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