Chapter 15 - Flour Handprints

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It was the day after our surfing excursion and I was currently at work in the fried dough stand. It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday so we were extremely busy. Myself, Mike, and Vic were all there busting through a huge rush. Vic was doing all the cooking, Mike was adding the toppings and handing them to customers, and I was taking the orders as well as making ice cream cones. We had a pretty good system going. I had vastly improved in these last two weeks, and didn't fall once since the strawberry ice cream incident.

As the end of the line came into view I took a moment to glance over at Vic. He was moving at record speed, stretching the dough, dropping it into the bubbling oil, kneading more dough while it cooked, then slapping multiples onto paper plates for Mike.

His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he worked, his mouth pressed into a thin line as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. I silently thanked Mr. Fuentes for forcing Vic to wear the full uniform today. Usually whenever we worked together he would only wear the white button down shirt and the red bowtie. But today his dad noticed and scolded him, handing Vic a pair of red suspenders and the paper hat. I couldn't stop sneaking glances at him.

Vic looked downright adorable in his uniform. His muscular arms could be seen through the tight sleeves of his white shirt, it hugged his toned body. How he could look sultry and hot in this ridiculous get-up was beyond me. I was wearing the exact same outfit and I looked like a total nerd. But seeing Vic in those suspenders made me want to grab them, using them to pull him up against me aggressively.

"Kellin! The ice cream is overflowing!" Vic's voice yelled over the commotion, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I snapped my eyes down at the cone in my hand that was now covered in black raspberry ice cream. I immediately hit the off button on the machine and tossed the soggy mess into the trash. My eyes locked with Vic's and I couldn't help but blush. I licked the ice cream from my hand and pulled a new cone from the slot, holding it up to the spout, refilling the cone.

"What were you thinking about over there?"

"Uh nothing. I zoned out." I smiled sheepishly to myself, not daring to meet Vic's gaze. I had only known him for a short time but he could already see right through me. I knew that if he had seen the look on my face then he'd know I was lying.

My mind kept drifting back to yesterday's events at the beach. It was obvious that there was sexual tension between the two of us. We both had our moments of flirting, followed by Vic being an absolute dreamboat with his stunt on the sand. I knew that we both wanted to explore that side of this relationship and for the first time in my life, I felt like I was going to be the one to initiate it.

This was uncharted territory for Vic and I knew he wanted to keep our relationship under-wraps until he was ready to tell his friends and family. His shyness during our first kiss was incredibly endearing, yet his boldness in his bedroom was intoxicating. Vic was unpredictable and I wanted more. After Vic's surfing lesson we went to a food truck, he bought me nachos and a blue raspberry slushie. We shared a blanket on the sand for the rest of the day, stopping our sunbathing to build sandcastles, per my request. I remembered how Vic found a bunch of tiny shells and made two people out of them. He stuck them into the sand in the middle of the "yard" we built in the front of our castle.

"It's you and me." He said, gesturing towards the shell people.

I caught myself trailing off again, daydreaming about yesterday. I quickly remade the black raspberry cone and walked back over to the counter, handing it to the waiting customer. They were the last family in line and we all exhaled in relief at the same time. I took out a bottle of cleaning spray and a rag to start wiping down the front counter, reorganizing my station for the next rush.

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