Chapter 3 - Chlorine

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Music was blaring through my laptop speakers, drowning out my incessant muttering as I drove myself into a panicked state about the party. Mike was nice enough but if any of his friends were remotely similar to Vic, I was not going to get along with them. I rummaged through my open duffle bag trying to figure out what to wear tonight.

In high school I was never one to go to parties, I had my own small group of friends who much rather preferred to mess around with instruments in my basement makeshift studio. We were into rock and punk music and enjoyed playing cover songs from our favorite bands, high school parties were usually filled with top 40's pop and ghastly guys attempting to hit on our female classmates. Not my scene.

I fished out my favorite red flannel shirt and pulled it on, sliding my feet into my checkered sneakers and brushing more hair from my eyes. My phone lit up with a text from Mike containing the address for his friend Jaime's house. I plugged it into my phone's GPS and saw that it was only an six minute walk from here.

I shoved the house key that my dad left on my bureau into my pocket and made my way out the door. My dad wasn't a fan of cell phones so I left a quick message on a sticky note saying I was going to a party and stuck it on the fridge.

As I stepped onto the front porch I was hit with a wave of salt in the air. I could smell it, I could feel it all around me, it was so prominent I felt like I could even taste it. There was a cool breeze engulfing me as I headed down the cobblestone main street of town.

Even at 10:03 in the evening this place still had a quiet life to it. The way the air shook the leaves in the trees, it made them look like they were dancing, coaxing me to join in. The rolling sheets of sand moving forward, pulling me closer to the destination.

As I made my way around a corner I was hit with a bright light coming from an ornate house perched up on a tall hill. This must be the place, I thought to myself as I started the trek up the curved driveway.

As I got closer the music pouring from the windows of the house became louder, so loud that it felt like the seams of the house would crack.

I pushed open the cumbersome wooden door and instantly felt the thickness in the air. I couldn't even shut it behind me when I heard someone calling out my name and felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Kellin dude, I've been waiting for you. Follow me I'll introduce you to the guys." Mike exclaimed as he pulled me through a sea of bodies, my feet tripping over all the empty beer cans that covered the dark cherry stained floors. We rounded a corner and approached a group of people crowded together in a big circle.

"Hey everybody I'm back and I found Kellin, the guy I was telling y'all about." Mike spoke and I suddenly felt the gaze of six eyeballs scanning me up and down. A shorter guy with spiked up brown hair stepped forward with a huge grin on his face; I grabbed his outstretched hand and shook it lightly.

"Hey man, I'm Jamie! Mike here hasn't stopped talking about how hilarious and fun you are. Thanks for coming to my party. Do you play soccer? You look like you play soccer, we need a striker on our team. You don't look as clumsy as Vic says you are." Jamie rattled off with so much energy he could've given an energy drink a run for its money.

I didn't even have time to process anything Jamie had said let alone answer his question, when a soccer ball came zooming past my face almost knocking me out.

"Holy shit! GOOOOOAL!" Jamie screamed out and ran out of the room in the direction of where the ball came from.

"So that's Jamie." I laughed and turned towards Mike who was holding two beer bottles in his hands. He handed me one and I reluctantly accepted. One drink wouldn't hurt.

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