Chapter 8 - I Assumed You'd Be Prom King

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I met Alex in the center of the dance floor. I didn't know what to expect since the last time I saw Alex was a few days ago, when he kissed me during the volleyball game and then I left the restaurant without telling anyone. I didn't know if he'd be mad at me.

As I approached him he shot me a warm smile and I knew instantly that he had forgotten my rudeness. I didn't know how to feel about Alex. He was sweet and kind but when he abruptly kissed me the other day, I didn't feel anything at all. I hope he didn't expect us to be dating or anything, I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I also didn't want to lead him on.

"Hey Kellin, it's so great to see you. It's been a minute." Alex spoke confidently.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't feeling too well at Marco's the other night so I went home early." I said.

"No worries, I thought maybe you were avoiding me." Alex laughed.

"No, of course not. But Alex, I do have something I need to tell you." I spoke quickly. I really didn't want to hurt his feelings. Alex had been so sweet to me since we first met. I just couldn't help that I only saw him as a friend.

Alex raised an eyebrow at me and took a sip of his drink.

"Can I guess?" Alex asked and smiled.

"Uh... sure." I answered suddenly feeling very confused.

"You just want to be friends." Alex spoke.

I looked down at my shoes suddenly feeling awful.

"H-how did you know?" I stuttered. I wasn't used to being in this position, I was usually on the receiving end where a guy told me I wasn't good enough for him.

"The kiss. Don't get me wrong, you're absolutely handsome but when we kissed, it felt like I was kissing my brother that I don't even have." Alex answered, giving me a playful nudge.

I felt myself take in a relieving breath as I pushed my hair out of my eyes, returning Alex's nudge.

"Same dude! You're super attractive as well, I just think we're better as friends.. And volleyball partners." I said.

"Deal!" Alex exclaimed and gave me a one armed hug.

When I wrapped my right arm around Alex and hugged him back, my eyes met Vic's. I could tell that Vic was trying to be nonchalant about his staring at me but he wasn't doing a good job. He was pretending to laugh at something Mike was saying but he kept glancing in my direction out of the corner of his eye.

I couldn't help but smirk as I pulled back from Alex's friendly embrace.

"Anyways, I'm going to -" Alex started but was interrupted by a loud cheer and people chanting "JACK JACK JACK JACK!".

We both turned our heads towards the sound and were met with a tall, skinny guy with streaked blonde and dark brown hair doing a keg stand.

"... I'm going to go wherever he is going." Alex finished off and chuckled, pointing in the direction of this "Jack" person.

"Go get him, man!" I said as I patted Alex on the shoulder as he ran off towards the keg stand boy.

I took this as an opportunity to go and talk to Vic, sipping on my water bottle as I made my way over. Two fruity cocktails and one shot was enough for me tonight, I was sticking with water from here on out. Pretty much everyone else was on their way to being completely and utterly wasted, and I wanted to see if Vic was in the same state.

Tapping on Vic's shoulder his head turned to meet mine and I greeted him with a smile.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. After what happened during the body shot incident, I suddenly felt more confident in myself. Seeing that Vic ended up going through with taking a shot off of me in front of all his friends, I felt myself wanting to push our conversations. Maybe it was the few drinks I had, but I was feeling flirty and wanted to go with it.

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