Chapter Two - Powdered Sugar

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I was awakened by the cool water creeping against my toes and quickly sprang up. I fumbled in the pocket of my board shorts for my phone and fished it out, squinting at the screen. 5:48 PM. Had I really fallen asleep on the beach? There was no doubt that I looked as red as a lobster, since my pale complexion always was quick to burn under the slightest bit of sunlight.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself. I had work at 6! I jumped up, shaking the stray sand out of my towel and folding it up under my arm. I won't have enough time to go home and change so I guess my sunburnt self will just have to do. I squinted from the warm evening sun and turned in the direction of the boardwalk where all the shops and restaurants were.

The rickety and worn wooden slates creaked under my feet as I shuffled over to Beachpoint Fried Dough, the place I'll be spending my days working. I leaned over the front counter and looked to my left and right.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" I called out. A head popped out from below the counter and I let out a scream.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. The mysterious head started chuckling and thrust their hand towards me.

"I'm so sorry dude, but you should've seen your face! Priceless. Ah. Just priceless. Hi! I'm Mike. You must be the fresh meat. I mean, new coworker." he spoke.

I reached out and shook his hand finally getting the chance to look at his face. First off he was tall, insanely tall and lanky. He had short dark brown hair that was mostly covered by a snapback hat, and his arms were covered with tattoos. I would've thought he was intimidating if it weren't for his goofy grin and warm eyes.

"I'm Kellin, it's nice to meet you Mike." I answered and looked around. "Uh, how should I get inside?"

"You can just climb right over!" Mike responded. I nodded sheepishly and hoisted myself up onto the counter, losing my grip as I came toppling down on the other side.

"I'm clumsy and scare easily, if you couldn't already guess." I spoke.

"Not a problem, I tend to have two left feet every waking hour of the day that I'm not playing soccer. Here!" Mike said as he handed me a pile of folded up clothes.

"What is this?" I questioned.

"It's your uniform! Dorky I know, but Dad likes to have us in the original 1950's uniform, he says it gives the boardwalk that "ole vintage charm" whatever that means." Mike responded.

I unfolded the crisp white, short sleeved button down shirt and held it up against my body. It's not so bad, I thought to myself. I bent down to pick up the red material that fell out from in between the shirt and examined it. Suspenders?! Red suspenders?! And a red bowtie?! Mike must've noticed the grim look on my face because I heard him speak up.

"Hey I know exactly what you're thinking, so lame right? Trust me, the ladies around here actually dig them. I'm serious, every single day I get another phone number solely because of these suspenders. I think its because it makes us look wholesome and "cute." Mike spoke while snapping his own red suspenders against his chest.

"Uh...right" I thought about making a comment about being gay, Mike seemed nice enough so I don't think he'd make fun of me. However, I didn't want to risk losing a potential friend on the first day so I held my tongue.

"Where can I go change? Wait, did you say Dad? Are you Mr. Fuentes' son?" I asked.

"Right around the corner there is a staff only bathroom, you can't miss it. And yes I am!" Mike answered.

"I'm Mr. Bostwick son." I responded.

"Oh cool! So you are THE Kellin! Our dad's have been best friends for years, since grade school. It's really nice to finally meet you man." Mike said.

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