Coffee to go- 3.10

Start from the beginning

Dr. Joel Kim closed the chart. Christopher creases his brows, "..But shouldn't this amount kill her?-" the diligent doctor nods, "..This amount could kill forty cattle so there's no telling what it could do to a horse,.." with his index finger the doctor pushed up his glasses on his nose bridge.

Dr. Joel Kim clicked his pen placing it in his coat's top pocket, "..But it seems our Ominous here is quite strong for her breed," he creased his narrow eyebrows puzzled, "..Who would inject Ominous? What's their motive?-" hearing Dr. Joel Kim's words something clicked inside Christopher.

Christopher clicked his tongue, "..Thank you for coming again Joel." He placed his slightly wrinkled hands in his pocket, "..I think I already know the answer to your questions. I'll get going now-" the old matriarch angrily strides away.

"..Where's he going to so fast?
.." Dr. Joel Kim adjusted his coat the keen doctor fished in his pocket pulling out his buzzing phone, "Un, Dr. Wang I'll be there right away-"

Christopher stood before a certain someone's door he angrily knocks. Esther was busily lotioning her long legs when she heard loud knocks to her door, "..Who is it!.." she asked irritated, "..Who the hell is it?!-" she barks spotting the shadow underneath her door.

Esther grits her teeth getting up from her bed she throws open the door, "Say something goddamnit!.." her eyes widened tremendously, "..G-grandfather?" Her breath got caught in her throat.

"Un." Christopher bites down his anger, "..It's me. Can I come in?
..." His eyes dart past her, "..Y-yes g-grandfather," she bowed stepping back she quickly grabbed her robe pulling it over her nightgown, "What brings you here Grandfather?..."

"..I've met many women but none as mischievous and scrupulous as you," Esther gasped taken back by his words that she asked her arms folded, "However do you mean Grandfather?.."

"...Because your father and I are good friends I'll let you off with a warning never you dare try to harm Emerson in that way again. She is my grandson's girlfriend and hopefully she'll be my future Granddaughter-in-law so you can demolish the hope you have of being this family's daughter-in-law," Christopher exclaimed pointing sternly, "..Just remember one thing if harm comes to Emerson I'll forget my good friend and you'll be reprimanded severely-"

He dangerously smiled a dark glint in his eyes, "..Don't let your sins bite dear beware of your Karma," with that he stormed off slamming the door behind.

Esther fends her anger by punching her pillow as she curses Emerson a thousand times. Meanwhile back in Carter's room Cheng Bi Yu sleeps away her soft breathing echoing through Carter's ear.

Cheng Bi Yu who opens her eyes is greeted by blackness, "..Why can't I see anything?.." her voice echoed through the empty void like magic a bright white light appeared reflecting a path, "Hello!.." she called out walking forward, "..Hello any one there?.."

Cheng Bi Yu trembled, "..God it's freezing in here!.." she wrapped her arms around her vigorously rubbing her goosebumps from the cold weather.

Cheng Bi Yu noticed something ahead nearing she discovers a yellow haired, red robed wearing silhouette with their back turned. The figure turned causing Cheng Bi Yu to cock her brows, "..Wait a minute I know you..." her frozen breath left her mouth,  "..Who are you? Why do you always appear to me?.." the yellow haired woman took graceful steps forward once close enough she suddenly reached out her porcelain hand.

Cheng Bi Yu instinctively stepped back the divine woman's hand stilled she stood still with her palm stretched out. Cheng Bi Yu eyed her confused, "Do you want me to take your hand?.." she asked put of curiosity.

The woman nods, "Okay.." was Cheng Bi Yu simple reply she reached out her frozen palm placing it against her's. A massive electric shock poured through her palm sending her falling back harshly landing on her butt Cheng Bi Yu hissed, "What the hell was that!.." she held her bruised elbow, "What the heck did you just do to me!.." she crunched using the back of her hand she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

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