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Bill stands there, scared of what he just did. He crumbles to the floor, tucks his knees into himself. 

And cries.

Dipper P.O.V

Dipper finally collapses under a tree. He looks up at the green canopy of leaves. He touches his lips with a shaky hand. "He... kissed... me?!" he grips his hair roughly and pulls it. He groans and lets go, he continues looking at the leaves. He touches his lips again, this time with a steady hand. "why didn't I pull away from him? Did I like it? Is something wrong with me?" he mutters to himself. 

He thinks on this for about ten minutes,

ten minutes turn to 15,









an hour.

That's when he realizes, "If I was straight, I wouldn't be here thinking if I liked his kiss... and If I didn't like him, I wouldn't be here thinking about him". 

That's when he sat up, looked at the leaves once more, and walked back. "Knowing how unstable he is, he's probably very upset" Dipper says as he starts to jog.

He suddenly stops though,

In the trees come a bright flash of yellow and a gun shot. Dipper starts running, wanting desperately to find Bill. He calls out his name, the only response is a deep groan to his left. Dipper jumps over a fallen tree and skids to a stop. 

In front of him was Bill, face in the dirt, and blood coming from his back. Perched on a rock with a gun, was Ford. Frowning he jumped down and walked over to Dipper. "You've crossed the line Dipper". Dipper looks at him with teary eyes, but a strong stance. All Dipper wanted to do is crumble to his knees and beg for Bill to return to him. But he stood strong, not wanting to look weak in what could possibly be the moment that decided his fate. "What do you mean" Dipper asked with a voice that was steady, he tried hard not to stutter. "You kissed him, you kissed Bill Cipher" Ford said as he looked down at his nephew. Dipper looked away, "So what!? And how'd you know? Did you stalk us?". Ford chuckled deeply, "Before I shot him, he was sitting here crying , muttering about he kissed 'him'. Which I can only guess is you". Ford turned his back and started to walk away.

"Thanks to you, Mable will no longer have a brother. I'll no longer have an apprentice, and Stanley will never have a nephew. You are no longer a Pines".

Dipper finally broke, he clenched his fist and raised his arm to throw a punch. But stopped, and fell to the floor.

Ford scoffed and walked away.

Big mistake - rewrite (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now