The Deaths of the Mortal Elementals

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The First Two Elementals, Luna and Celeste, weren't turned into elementals, they were the first ones recreated by the Big Bang. They saw humans build villages on Earth, it was so interesting to them. They saw some humans, Terris, Laura and Damion, they knew something was different with them.

Terris Evergreen Rose, the elemental of Earth and Wind has the saddest life. They were born August 15th, They were a Peridot, they usually was the most nicest human, helping people with problems, helping the earth and plants, helping re-home animals. However, After hearing what happened to Laura Waterstone, they were devasted.

They walked in the town, seeing the parents of Lauras cry, they were sad, losing a loved one, they had a idea, they knew the birthday of Laura so they went to the main city and brought a Tanzanite. Once they met with the family they passed it to them, "He-e-ere you-u-u go!" They said this with a smile, the family hugged them with tears.

One night, the faithful night where Terris will die, they were walking in the forbidden jungle, they were amazed, they smelt every single flower there was, roses, blue orchids, they would feel a creature purr under them, a ocelet? They sat down and stroked it, however it attacked them, they ran. After running they were stopped by some Vines and a cliff, they would jump. They grabbed onto one it broke and once they 'landed' they were dead, hung by vines..

Once they woke up somehow, they saw 4 figures standing Infront of them, A Hot Fire God, A Beautiful and Familiar Water god, and Luna and Celeste, the boy went to the knees and put their hands out for the young new god, "Welcome to the team Terris Evergreen!"  The man said this with a smile, Terris smiled and landed in their arms when Standing.

Laura Waterstone, The God Of Water. She was born in December 16th, they were a Tanzanite, they would look out at the waters, their father always went on the boat they wanted to follow them. Laura would suck at boating but their dad taught them, their mother usually laughed when seeing this, washing and cooking. They would one day ask their dad a normal everyday question, "Hey dad, can you take me boating?" The dad stared and sighed, "Sure." They said this with a smile.

They got onto the boat, the dad was boating and Laura sat at the edge, staring into the water, their dad would be calling them but they couldn't hear. A large wave would lift the boat, making Laura land in the water, the dad ran out after the wave was gone, they looked down and gulped, "Fuck."

Laura would've drowned that day, however their body landed in a cave with tanzanite and other gems, They woke up in a room, Infront of two fucking smexy woman, "I think this is the right one Luna!" Celeste said this with a smile, "Your right, Hello Laura, or Oceana!" They said this putting their hand out. The only words Laura could say were, "Sexy Woman.."

Damion, the god of Fire, They were born on January 24th, A Garnet, They lived in a beautiful town, with a large volcano, they always was sat on the volcano, writing down everything they see, their mother was concerned, their husband was thrown into the Volcano. Damion would sigh, they asked their step dad something bad, "May I fucking throw you in a volcano, your like a dick." Their stepdad was pissed, the volcano Fucking erupted!

Damion saw the lava coming out, he read a article which said 'If you sacrifice Yourself, you can become a god!", everyone was running, except Damion, Damion was walking to the volcano, their mother screamed out to them, "DAMION! NO!" They would run but would be grabbed by someone, Damion would enter the Lava.

Damion would stand up, their skin was coal and their hair was lava, they had parts on their body filled with lava, lava came from their mouth. They would lay in the lava and disappeared, they saw Laura and the Other Two, "Hi, lemme guess, I'm a god?" They asked this with a smirk, "Yes, yes you are Ignis.." Laura said this crossing their arms, Ignis was a nickname but it became their name!

The elementals became open to their god powers, helping the earth. However, humans were ruining it, they couldn't access it for 2000 years, once they got back, Terris fell, Ignis picked him up and sat down and whispered comforting words. Oceana would be Disgusted, the water was disgusting, Ignis wasn't really affected, however they were when Terris was in pain, they hated when their boyfriend was in pain..

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