New York

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Its been about 3 weeks after new years, and we start school next week, these last weeks have been very relaxing, mostly hanging out, making out and other stuff. Im extreamly happy with Gabriella, and it feels so good to just say thoe's 3 magical words, i never thought i'd say this, but, it feels better to say i love you than winning a basketball championship! that's how amazing feels! were in a good place, and she's amazing. I went downstairs to get a drink when i saw my dad "hey son, what's up?" i shrugged "nothin' much" he chuckled "well you exited for school?" i nodded "yeah, i mean, its senior year" he smiled "yeah, and that means that every game we play there will be collage scouts" i nodded "yeah" he crossed his arms "have you started training?" i nodded "a little" he rolled his eyes "a little? Troy, these people can change you life! but only if you play well" i nodded and he left the room, i grabbed a glass and filled it up with water when i felt two arms slid around my waist and a head on my shoulder "hey babe" i smiled "hey" i turned around and wrapped my arms around her, he leaned her head on my chest "you ok?" i nodded and she ran her hands though my hair "just thinking about next year" she looked down "you appliying to UFA?" i nodded "yeah, it's like my dream school" she nodded slowly "what about you?" she shrugged "i haven't really been looking" she let go of me "im going to go upstairs" i watched her go up the stairs, i went outside and played some basketball.


I was lying in my bed, i didn't have any plans for next year! Troy would be in collage, along with all my other friends and i didn't want Lucille and Jack paying for everything, my phone started to ring "hello?" who was this "hello this then national lawyer center in New York" i nodded "we are calling you to inform that Nicolas Montez is in fact not guilty" i went pale "is this some sick joke?!" it better be "no Ms. Montez, this is serious, we are going to go to court tomorrow and if your father is set free he will pay for you, so collage, school and all thoe's things" i went pale "so you want me to come to New York?" i waited for the man to replie "yes" i thought for a moment "ok" i hung up and began to pack, i wasn't going to tell Troy or Lucille and Jack, they wouldn't let me go, once i finished packing i went downstairs "im staying the night at Taylors!" i shouted "ok Gabs!" Troy came up to me and kissed me "have fun" i got in my car and drove to the airport, once i arrived i went to the front desk "hi i would like a ticket for the fist flight to new york" the woman nodded "the next flight leaves in 45 mins" i payed for the ticket and ran though the airport, i went through security and found my bording gate, i looked at my watch "just in time"


I was in the back yard playing basketball with Chad when Taylor walked over to us "hey babe! what are you doing here?" she kissed Chad then walked over to me "i was wondering if i could take Gabriella shopping" what? i scrunched my eyebrows "She told me that she was staying the night at yours" Taylor shook her head "no i haven't seen her all day" what? where is she? Gabriella would never take off without telling anyone, i went upstairs and into her room, i went on her computer and looked at her history- PLANE TICKETs TO NEW YORK, "what?" i saw that she had bought a ticket i looked in her draw to see that her passport was missing "crap!" i called her and walked into my room "pick up!" i grabbed my passport, car keys and jacket  "MUM DAD IM STAYING AT CHADS!" I went out side and got in my car "hello this is Gabby, leave a message" i waited for the beep "Gabriella! where the hell are you?!" i hung up and began to drive to the airport.


Once i arrived i ran to the front desk "hi i need a ticket for the next flight to New York" the woman looked on her computer "im sorry if you would have come 15 mins erlier you could still make it to our 11:30 flight" i sighed "what time is the next one?" she looked at her computer again "in half an hour" i nodded and look out my wallet to pay for the ticket "thankyou" i took the ticket and went through security and went to my gate "last call for new york flight 274" i ran as fast as i could and made it just in time. I went to my seat and fastened my selt belt and we took off, i looked out the window and listened to some music on my phone, it felt like days but a few hours later we arrived i went off the plane and left the airport, there was a huge sine that sain WELCOME TO NEW YORK! i sighed "now, to find Gabby" i called a cab "take me to time square please" the man nodded and we left.


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