Stupid Phone

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I waited for Gabriella in my car "hey Troy" she closed the door and i began to drive "Gabriella?" she looked at me "yes?" "did you slap Britney?" she sighed "yes but-" "why the hell would you do that!? because she said i was her boyfriend?!" she looked at me confused "i didn't slap her because of that, i couldn't care less, i slapped her because she insulted my mother" oh, i was not expecting that, we arrived home and i stopped the car, but we remained seated "what do you mean she insulted your mother" "i don't know, ask your girlfriend" then she stormed out of the car, ughhh great!


I couldn't belive her! i went up to my room, dropped my bag on the floor and layed on my bed, moment's like this i really want to talk to my mum, i heard a knock on my door "who is it?" Troy walked in "hey, can we talk?" he came in and sat on my bed "what did Britney say to you?" i sighed "she said that i looked like my mother rotting in a grave" he went pale "she said that to you?" i nodded "all your friends called me orphan and when i walked away she said that, im so sorry Troy, i slapped her without thinking" "did you slap her hard?" i nodded "good!" i looked at him confused "with what she said to you, i couldn't care less if you ripped her arm off!" i giggled "what she said wasn't right, she is a fake and an idiot, as for my friends, i'll talk to them tomorrow. Just don't listen to her, any girl would be the luckiest girl in the world if they were half as beautiful as you are" i looked at him "really?" he nodded, that was pobably the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me, out eye's made deep contact, he leaned closer and so did i, here we go again, our noses touched and i closed my eyes, we were mm apart when RING RING RING RING, Troy fell of the bed from the fright and i laughed, stupid phone, and answered it "hello?" "hey girl! whats up?" i sighed "hi Shar" Troy got off the floor and sat on the bed "so Gabby, i was wondering if tomorrow you could lend me your pink bag?" i giggled "sure, i'll bring it to school tomorrow" "ok, thanks bye" "bye" i hung up and turned to Troy, "sorry about that" "it's fine" "so ummm, you want to watch a movie?" i nodded "sure" we went downstairs to the Tv room "what do you want to watch?" he smirked "lets watch something scary" i rolled my eyes "how about we just watch some friends?" "sure" we sat down on the sofa and put on some friends.... and that's how our day ended...


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