Are you serious?????

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No one told me that they had a son! well based on that picture he is what, 5? so no problem. "i didn't know you had a son" i picked up the photo "yeah, the one and only" Lucile laughed and opened the fridge "are you hungry honey?" to be honest, i was but i didn't want to empose "no im ok" Lucile looked at me "well Troy will be back soon and he eats like a Lion, so im still going to make some food if you want any" she smiled. I walked around the house a little when i heard the door open, "mum, im home" that does NOT soud like a 5 year old!  i walked into the kitchen to see the back of a teen boy "ummm, who is this?" the boy turned around, he was breathtaking, he had bright sea blue eyes,  she has chestnut colored hair, he was wearing a pair of jenes and a white t-shirt and you could see that he was well built "mum, who the hell is this?" he pointed at me "um, Troy, this is Gabriella, she is going to be living with us " Lucile walked over to me and put her hands on my shoulders "what the hell?!?! i don't want some dorky girl living in my house !!!!" he ran upstairs "TROY!!!" Jack shouted as he ran upstairs. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT??? what happened to the 5 year old???


I went to my room 

I went to my room 

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

this could not be happening! i could NOT live with her! no i WONT live with her. "uhhh" i sat on by bed and put my head in my hands, when i heard a knock. "son, you in here?" my dad walked in "im not in the mood to talk" my head was still in my hands "whats wrong?" he sat down next to me "what the hell do you mean whats wrong?!?! i come home one morning from my run and i find a GIRL in my house  and you are telling me that i have to LIVE with her!!!" my dad looked at me with soft eyes, i was furious! "i don't want to live with some cow!" i started shouting, my dad signaled me to be more quite but i couldn't care less if she heard me ! maybe that would make her leave! "you have NO idea what that poor girl has gone through! now she is going to stay here, so if i were you, i would start getting used to her!" my dad stood up and left the room. I went downstairs to get some water when i saw her, i didn't really look at her before, she had beautiful long black curly hair and chocolate eyes, she was simply beautiful, but still a cow! "Troy, can you help Gabriella with her bags" she looked at me "ugggg fine" i grabbed her suitcase and walked upstairs "now here's the thing geek, this is MY house  so you have to follow MY rules, i dropped her suitcase in front of a door, "this is the room you are going to BORROW" she opened the door and looked inside 

 I went downstairs to get some water when i saw her, i didn't really look at her before, she had beautiful long black curly hair and chocolate eyes, she was simply beautiful, but still a cow! "Troy, can you help Gabriella with her bags" she looked...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"wow, its....amazing! your parents didn't have to do all of this for me" she looked at me "trust me, i know, anyways here's your junk" i threw the suitcase at her and slammed the door shut.


I couldn't believe what the Bolton's had done for me. I sat on my bed and took everything in. 


I finally finished unpacking, everything looked great, i had a nice walk in closet, a nice bed, desk and a balconey with a huge tree outside, i walked out on it, you could see the whole back yard, there was a pool with a hot tub and a huge basket ball court. After standing there for a bit i went back inside and went my desk and took out my diary, my diary was EVERYTHING, i have kept one ever since i was 10.

Dear Diary, 

Its been a CRAZY day, i just finished unpacking and setteling in, its wierd living in a house without someone screaming at you or hitting you, its actually quite nice. But there are a few things i have to deal with:

1) New house

2) New school

3) Past

4) Troy Bolton


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