New Friends

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Ahhh, last day of school before winter brake, i got dressed and went down stairs to see gabriella eating fruit, she looked so cute today, with her skinny jeans, long white sweater and knee high boots "morning gabby" she turned around "morning Troy" i sat down next to her and pored myself a cup of coffee "you guys ready for your last day of school?" mum asked  "Hell yeah!" we all laughed.


We got out of my car when Chad and Zeke walked up to me "hey Troy, hey Gabriella" i sighed "what do you guy's want?" they looked at each other when Chad spoke up "we just wanted to say how sorry we are, we had no right to do what we did, i know that you will probably not forgive us but we want to be friends with you, you seem really nice and cool, and your other friends don't seem that bad" i looked at Gabriella, she smiled "i accept your apoligy, i would like it if we were friends, and i think that Taylor and Sharpay would like you" Chad smiled widlly and hugged Gabby "thank you, thank you, you wont regret it!" then they went running into the building, i looked at her "well, that was wierd" she nodded.



Sharpay, Taylor and i walked into the cafataria, i saw Troy, Chad and Zeke sitting at a table mentioning for us to come over "what the hell?" i looked at Sharpay "they want to be our friends" i shurgged, we walked over to them and sat down "hello ladies" i giggled "hi Chad" i looked at Troy "Chad, Zeke this is Sharpay and Taylor" they all said hi. We quickly bacame friends, and the next thing we knew, we were making planes "hey guys, i heard that theres a new horror movie out, maybe we can all go?" we all looked at Troy "im down" "me too" "you can count me in" "ill be there" "same" "will there be popcorn?" we all looked at Chad and laughed.


 walked to Troys car, he was waiting for me "hey Gabs" "hey Troy" i got in and we started to drive "i have to say, we formed quite the gang" i laughed "yes we did" we had arranged to meet at the cinema tonight at 19:00 "so you exited about tonight" i nodded "of course i am! a movie, friends, school holiday, your buying" he looked at me "what!?" "i said your buying!" he laughed "ok then" "oh and you should know, when i go to the cinema i like to get a big popcorn, a drink, chocolate, candy...oh i could go on and on" he shook his head "so basicly my whole collage fund" "yep!"


I was standing next to Troy waiting for the others "maybe they bailed!" he rolled his eyes "Gabs, they are 1 min late!" i took a deep breath, then i saw Taylor and Sharpay walk over to us along with Chad and Zeke, "you guys are late!" Sharpay rolled her eyes "Gabs, relax, it's 1 min" "yeah, yeah whatever, lets buy our tickets" i walked over to the ticket booth when Troy stopped me "i thought we established that i was buying, i bought my credit card!" i laughed "ok" then Chad walked over "thanks man!" "hold it!, im only buying for Gabs, you have to buy for Taylor and Zeke for Sharpay, thats why i told you to bring 50£" Zeke and Chad moaned "fine!" after we got out tickets we went to the snack area "ok Gabs what do you want?" "umm, i would like a big popcorn and a big coke" "ok i'll get a coke to" i shook my head "no, your sharing with me, why do you think i got a big?" he raised his eye brows "so your comfortable with sharing a straw with me? spit?" i rolled my eyes "what are we? three? now come on and pay!" after everyone got what they wanted we went into the room "ok 5c and 5d" we sat down in out seats- Chad-Taylor-Zeke-Sharpay-Gabriella-Troy. The movie began playing, i put my hand into the bucket and started eating popcorn Troy looked at me and smiled and he began eating too. Half way through the movie i was teriffied, i looked over at the other girls who were holding onto the boys like if thier life depended on it! i put my hand in the popcorn and touched Troy's hand, we looked at each other "sorry" i laughed "it's fine, and you pass me some coke?" he passed the cup to me "troy! theres like half missing!" he shrugged "popcorn makes me thirsty!" i shook my head and drank some coke "you realised that you drank some of my spit" i rolled my eyes "unless you have the cutties i really don't care" he raised his eye brows "oh really" i nodded, we continued watching the movie, it was soo scary, i was digging my fingernails into my hands, suddenly i felt and arm around me, it was Troy's, he pulled me in and i leaned my head on his chest, "you scared?" he whispered into my ear i shivered "no, im ok now" we remained in that position until the movie finished. After we decided to go and get some pizza, so we went to papas pizza and sat in a booth, "that movie was scary!" Sharpay said "no it wasn't!" Taylor rolled her eyes "oh please Chad! you were holding on to me for like the entire movie!" we all laughed and Chad went red "speaking of cuddiling, Troy and Gabby looked very comfortable" we went red "i was only comforting her" "yeah, yeah", we ordered out drinks and i held out my glass "to new friends" "to new friends" we all clicked our glasses. We ordered pizza, talked, it was such a  fun night, we had found our our gang!

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