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Dear Diary,

Today has been a really wierd day! Troy called me an orphan which really hurt! i watched the game with Jack, it felt like i had a real father, it was nice. I never knew what it felt like to have a real one, someone to laugh or complain to, but he is not my dad, he is Troy's. I really miss mum, i know that it's been 4 years but it still hurts. Anyways, i have to go


xoxo Gabby

I closed my Diary, its the only thing i trust, there is not 1 person in the whole world that knows half of my secrets, but my diary knows all of them. 


I always see Gabby with that dumb book, and i know that she is hiding something, i have to read it! 10 mins later gabby leaves her room, i dont have long, i sneak into her room, "where is that dumb book?" i looked everywhere! under the matress, in the closet, under the bed, in the bookshelf, around her desk and still no diary, but the i got an idea, which is the place boys would NEVER touch, i went into her underwear draw and BINGO there it was, i heard footsteps so i closed the draw, took the diary and ran into my room. Finally, lets start from day 1.


Dear Diary,

Today has been a really wierd day! Troy called me an orphan which really hurt! i watched the game with Jack, it felt like i had a real father, it was nice. I never knew what it felt like to have a real one, someone to laugh or complain to, but he is not my dad, he is Troy's. I really miss mum, i know that it's been 4 years but it still hurts. Anyways, i have to go


xoxo Gabby

I cant belive it! she lied to us! her dad used to hit her! that's why he went to jail! now everything makes sence, the nighmare the party insident, i feel so bad that i was so mean to her I have to talk to her, "GABBYYYYYYY" i screamed she came into my room "what?" i held up the book and her eyes widen "where the hell did you get that from?!!!!" she snatched the diary away from me "Gabby, why didn't you tell me" she looked at me with fire in her eyes "WHY DIDN'T I TELL YOU?!?!? I HATE YOU!! YOU CANT JUST GO READING MY PRIVATE THINGS!!!!!" then she came up and hit me across the face, OUCH! "im sorry, but it's a good thing i did read it " she had tears in her eyes and stormed out of the room, i sighed to myself and lay down on the bed.


I can't belive that jerk! i stormed into my room and started to cry....


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