The Cabin In The Woods Part 2

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"well?" i looked at sharpay, should i say it? i could just invent a secret "when i was five i ate dog food" they all gringed, i lied, i've never eaten dog food, i've never even have a dog!" 

It was getting late so we decided to go to sleep, once Troy and i were in our room i got changed (in the bathroom) after i was ready, i climbed into the bed, the Troy got in "babe?" i looked at him "yeah?" he sighed "we've been together for quite a while, so i feel like i know you quite well" i nodded slowly "are you going somewhere with this?" he nodded "when we were in the hot tub telling everyone our secrets, i couldn't help but feel that you were lying" i froze, how did he realize? was i that ovious? "what makes you think that?" he shrugged "your eyes werent bright anymore" i inturupted "my eyes are never bright" he rolled his eyes "and i saw that you were playing around with your hands, and you wouldn't stop moving on my lap" i closed my eyes and prayed that this moment wasn't happening.


Here i was, lying in front of this gorgeous, beautiful girl, she was perfect, even though we're together, the way she moves and her body still haunt me, but in a good way "babe, you'll always be perfect to me no matter what your hiding, the point of a relationship is so we can tell each other everything" she looked at me and sighed, we both sat up "do you remember when we were in my room watching TV and you asked me if i had done it?" i was confused "done what?" she rolled her eyes "you know what i mean! the s word" i thought then it came to me "ohhh, yeah i remember" she sighed "you remember how i told you that i had never done it?" i nodded "yeah" she didn't look at me "well, i lied" i looked at her blankly "what?" she sighed "well, i was caught up in the moment and you said you hadn't done it so i said that i hadn't done it, im so sorry Troy" i can't belive it! she lied to me, and about something so personal i didn't look at her "Troy, please say something" i looked at her "what do you want me to say?" she took my hand "im really sorry, and i know that what i did what not right! but can't we just move on, the important thing is that we're here, together with our friends" i didn't know what to say, i sighed "who was it?" she looked at me "no one important" i rolled my eyes "well, oviously he was important if he was your first time!" her eyes watered, was there something she wasn't telling me? "Gabriella, is there something else your not telling me?" she looked down "i didn't want it to happen" a tear slipped down her cheek, "what?" i was so confused "the reason i didn't tell you was because i was ashamed" i whipped her tear "what happened?" she looked at me "i was at a party and a little drunk and someone took advantage of me" i couldn't belive someone would do that "what?! who!? i'll KILL him!" she rolled her eyes "Troy, calm down, he's in jail" i sighed "good, he should stay there!" i looked at her, she was really sad, i wrapped my arms around her and she leaned on my chest "it's ok, i understand why you didn't tell me, i'm not mad" she looked at me and i brushed some hair out of her face "really?" i nodded and she smiled, i leaned in and kissed her sweetly, she pulled away "i'm really tired, and tomorrow we have a long day, we should go to sleep" i nodded, and we layed down, she put her head oh my chest and i held her tight, the thought of someone hurting her killed me.....



I woke up to the sound of voices "NO Chad! i am NOT going to go order pizza!" was it that late already? "Why not Tay?! its a full breakfast!" ah, no its morning, Chads just having a craving "Chad, We've made pancakes, eggs, bakon,fruit and waffles! what else do you want?!" "i want PIZZA!" i rolled my eyes, i rolled over to find an empty bed "Gabby?" but no one was there, i got up gor ready and went downstairs "morning everyone" they all looked at me "morning Troy" i walked up to Gabby and wrapped my arms around her "you left me alone" she turned around in my arms "i didn't want to wake you" she ran her fingers through my hair "well, the cold spot on the bed woke me up, so tecnacly you did" she smiled i pulled her closer and kissed her gently "you hungry?" i nodded, she took my hand and lead me into the dining area where Taylor and Chad were making out "uggg, enough!" they pulled away, Zeke was cooking and Sharpay was test tasting, everything "so what do you want wildcat we have pancakes, eggs, bakon,fruit and waffles" i thought "hmmm, i'll have some bakon, eggs and pancakes!" she smiled "coming right up!" After we ate our breakfast we all gathered in the livingroom "soooo, whats todays plan?" i shurgged Gabby came over and sat next to me and placed her legs on my lap "is there a shopping mall around here" i rolled my eyes "what do you think Shar?" she shrugged "we could always go ice skating, theres a lake down the rode and we have ice skates" i looked at Gabriella "good idea babe" Taylor nodded "yeah!" after we all agreed we went upstairs to get ready. 


All us boys watched as our girlfriends gracfully glided across the ice "does anyone have any idea how to do this?" Zeke and Chad shook their head i nodded "ok then" there was silence "i mean, if our girlfriends can do it, how hard can it be?" We all looked at Chad and nodded "yeah, totally!" i watched Gabriella spin and do tricks, she was amazing! "come on guy's! we can do this!" we slowly stepped onto the ice "COME ON BOYS! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ATHLEATS!" Gabriella skated up to Sharpay "No Shar, their just some WOPPY BONE HEADS AFRAID OF GIRLS!" then Taylor skated up to Gabby "their just some LOSERS AND CHICKENS!" that was it! "once were on the ice you'll regret saying all thoe's mean thing! Gabby rolled her eyes "that is, if your able to stand up!" the girls laughed, us MEN looked at eachother and tried to sake to them but we fell flat on our asses Gabby skated over to me and held out her hand, Sharpay and Taylor did the same, she pulled ,me up and i wrapped my arms around her "don't worry, i got you" she held both my hands and began skating backwards slowly, i followed "im doing it! im skating!" she laughed. We spent the rest of the morning skating and having fun, Gabby's the best! her smile just warms me up, if i was naked in the snow and saw her smile, i would feel flames, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, she's turned my life upside down, i think...i think that i'm in love with her....... please comment!


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